Chapter 16

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Skylar Dylan Matthews on the media...

It Ended With a Promise

Chapter 16

"Are you just about to have sex?" Jace's comment was nothing but pure teasing and amusement. It took me everything not to roll my eyes at his sexual retort but hell, I can't stop myself.

Just as I thought of answering, Skylar came to give his own retort to my friend. "Well, I never knew your friends were a bit of a cock-blocker, Enne." He stated with a smug smirk.

"Enne... ey?"Jace started and seemed to stop to think of something then continued. "Oooooh this must be the very famous Skylar Dylan Matthews." Just then after spilling his own beans, Skylar's grin grew wider.

"Very famous, huh?" Skylar turned his gaze towards me with a teasing façade. "You are so dead later... Jace!!!" – I screamed mentally.

"By the way, Jace and I just came to see if we can ask for a softcopy of what was distributed by our Literature professor last week." Xeno spoke all of a sudden and I can't thank him more for saving my ass out from this ambush.

"errr... well yeah! That's kind of what we came for." Jace added nervously as I glared at him.

I let out a puff of air before moving to get what they asked for. I also made sure to take note on not inviting them in especially the tactless Jace. The reason is to avoid more damage and embarrassment on my part.

After receiving the copy, they bid their goodbyes. They also did a short get-to-know-you talk with Skylar who annoyingly keeps on bugging me about random stuffs and whatnot. "May I know the main reason for this very sudden and super surprising visit?" I asked sounding quiet annoyed.

For a rare moment, Skylar rolled his gorgeous blues (which I find such a turn on) and then spoke. "Is it a mistake to visit my love?" And then there it goes again. My heart started to beat abnormally with me trying to fight not to blush like a madman.

"Sh-shut it, Skylie." I retorted while averting my eyes from him. Ughhh, why does he have that freaking effect on me?

"How about we continue what we almost had done before your cute friends came into the picture?" And if it is still possible, I grew redder than a tomato.

"C-can y-you just tell me what are you doing here?" I asked still curious of his real purpose in visiting my apartment.

He just answered me with his signature handsome smirk which made me punch him on his chest. He acted to get hurt but I knew better because instead of him, I am the one who suffered a bit. Well, his body can be made of stone because it's kind of hard... and yummy. Haha.

After almost half an hour of convincing him to speak which feels like forever, he surrendered and told me that it was Zero's request to fetch me for another sleepover. I blushed at the mentioning of the word "sleepover" as I reminisce what happened last time I had my "sleepover" at Skylar's room.

Looking like he guessed what I am thinking, Skylar gave me a teasing smirk before talking. "If that is the idea of sleepover you want to happen... again, then we can also do that. Hell, I am more than willing to act like I was on my downfall again just to bite that sexy and hot ass of yours."

This time, I grabbed the nearest pillow on my couch and threw it to his face which he effortlessly caught. Ughhh, I hate him when his always right. How did he even know what I was thinking?

Skylar burst out laughing which again turned me on but still, I masked it and put my angry face on. He even told me how hot my angry face was and that he would like to see more of it as he takes me slowly and gently. And with that comment, I raised my hands in surrender and started packing.

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