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It Ended With a Promise


'tik-tok... tik-tok... tik-tok'

'tik-tok... tik-tok... tik-tok'

'tik-tok... tik-tok... tik-tok'

The annoying sound of the ticking clock made me wanna break it and feed it to that b*tch who is the reason why I am currently inside this freaking place. It's already been about three hours since that girl screamed her heart out with that pathetic lie she used just to bring me here. Ughhhh!

"Guards, that guy have a gun!"

"Guards, that guy have a gun!"

"Guards, that guy have a gun!"

Her annoying scream keeps on playing inside my head like a piece of a broken record. Like seriously? Why would she even point me as someone who brings a damn gun?! She is a total nuts! I mean, what could be her reason?

Thinking about the incident that Stacey had pulled hours ago puts me into a complete awful state of headache. Why? Why? Why? As far as I can remember, I did never do something that could make her snap at me. I am totally messed right now and the reason behind the ruckus that she pulled is something that concerns every part of my brain.

Her reason is still a mystery.

A very big one.

Wait! Does it have something to do with Skylar and Zero? Well that could be one but why? I totally stopped bugging Skylar that night I saw them together. Ughhhh! My mind's gonna explode! Noooo!

I was currently trapped inside a hazy daze when a knock pulled me out of my stupor. Scanning the inside of this room, it is the first time that I noticed that the walls were actually grey. On one side of the wall is a large full glass window that runs an entire mid area of the wall that stopped at a same colored door. I can't see what is outside that window but I bet the outsiders can see me inside. No other things are placed inside the room except for the only table in the middle, a chair where I was seated, a chair in front of the table opposite to where I am, and this annoying handcuff that held me prisoner inside the room. And then I came up with an idea that this room is somewhat an interrogation facility.

Like why wouldn't I be inside this place? Oh! I remember! That b*tch screamed at the police pointing me like a criminal.

I am innocent for goodness sake. She was literally lying!

But that is actually one of the questions that kept on bugging me the moment they held my arms. Why didn't they even look for the said gun? Why didn't they inspected me and just immediately drag me towards this hellhole? I am innocent for crying out loud!

A few seconds later, another knock came making me roll my eyes in pure annoyance. Who the hell is this stupid person trying to knock on an interrogation room? Like seriously? Does he or she thinks this is somewhat a normal room or something to act stupidly and knock like it is the most common thing to do?

I huffed at the nuisance knocking on the door and as if on cue, the door opened revealing a smiling Stacey. Immediately, I glared daggers at her which made her smile adorably. "Awww, I never thought that you'd be more cuter than you already are in college. The moment I saw you, I was literally screaming inside my head that I would never gonna give you back to Skylar. I mean you are so c-" I immediately cut her off the moment she stated that name.

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