Chapter 28

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Skylar Dylan Matthews on the media...

It Ended With a Promise

Chapter 28

Stupidity. I never thought that one day I would be under the spell of this nine-lettered word. I never thought that somehow I feel like I am the one who is very stupid when it comes to the word love. I never thought that I will be the epitome of this word and that somehow I felt very stupid for being stupid.


Well, I am currently eating my breakfast in front of these two persons who had been very deadly when it comes to protecting me. I already told them that I don't have the appetite to eat but still, they pushed me to my limits and now here I am eating like I am not eating at all.

"Seriously, Lei? What do you want us to feed you? Skylar's d*ck?" Chanel exclaimed while acting bitchy. She keeps on telling me that I look like a mess right now for staying inside the house for four days already.

"Damn right, girl. Maybe he wants us to call that cheating hot bastard about what he did to our poor little sexy friend." Jace suggested while wiggling his brows making me felt annoyed.

After that incident, that night immediately, I started to cry my heart out. I had been crying the whole night until one of my neighboring apartment's owner came and screamed at me to stop wailing like a pig. I kind of feel offended when he called me a pig because I am completely aware that my body structure is far from being a pig's.

Back to reality, although I hate to make myself believe but I felt too much pain in me. I love Skylar too much that even just the thought of loving him hurts. He is both my weakness and strength but here I am, wasted.

He told me how much he wanted me. He told me how much he loves me and that I should never let him go but that night happened. I mean, I shouldn't think about this right now knowing that I have a graduation to attend for tomorrow but I just can't help it.

That moment that Jace realized that I haven't been answering his annoying messages made him immediately realize that I am in trouble. He was the very first one to knock on my door and screamed his vocal cords out when he realized that I wouldn't be opening the door for anyone. But you may wonder why was he here now? Well after a few minutes of him screaming outside my apartment, people who lives on the neighboring rooms started to scold him and with the typical Archer Jace Green he was, he started to get into a fight with the ones who are scolding him.

Jace somewhat made a commotion outside my room and that is the reason why I have to open the door. Either way, it's him or the person whom he is fighting would be in great danger.

The moment I let him enter the apartment, he immediately slapped me and told me that I look like sh*t. He squeezed me to no end just for me to tell him the truth and burst my bubbles and he did it successfully. And that gave me an important note to myself... never let Jace know that you are depressed.

He told me how he thought Skylar was and that the way Skylar looks at me screams love and joy. But I guess he was wrong. I am wrong. The moment I accepted Skylar as part of my life is the moment that I accepted my fate of being hurt.

Skylar screams trouble from the very beginning. Loving him has its own perks and downfalls. He was perfect in a sense that he has everything you might wish a man would have but the reality always has its ways to slap you harder than a b*tch does. And now, I am fully awakened with the thought in mind that Skylar isn't for me, and I for him.

Heck, he even forgot our very first monthsary and where is he now? He is nowhere with me. After that night, no messages were sent, no calls were done, and no excuses where given. Skylar disappeared into thin air... although not literally but he really did disappear away from my heart.

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