Chapter 11

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Skylar Dylan Matthews on the media...


Here's my gift of apology for updating for too long... hahaha enjoy!


It Ended With a Promise

Chapter 11

(*you are warned! Sexual content!*)

In my twenty-two years of existence in this world, I had done so much stupidity. But what is stupidity?

It is the state of being foolish or unintelligent.

It is when you ask or look for something that is eventually on your hands.

It is when you make paper mermaids and put them in the water thinking that they may float but at the end, they are destroyed instead.

It is when you ask why fat people are heavy and why are the thin ones light.

Like seriously? Are these stuffs stupid enough for you? Well, for me, it is not.

What's stupid for me is this situation I am in now.

I have planned this over the week to have this night spent at Skylar's house courtesy of Zero. I had prepared enough stuffs for our swimming galore only to find out that I brought nothing but my school bag. Like seriously? Am I still even aware that I am not that stupid? Ughhh!

I was about to take off my clothes when the thought came to me. Why does it have to be that all beautiful people have to be stupid? (Any hands?)

Immediately, I let out a sigh of depression and decided to fall on top of Skylar's comfortable bed. I stared at the ceiling for I don't know how long until I deiced to check the time on my phone.

Time check: 11:29 pm – the clock application showed.

Ughhh! Unfortunately, for an unknown reason, all the sleepy cells in me decided not to take a rest. Slowly, I stood up to grab something on the kitchen. Maybe a glass of water? Yeah that is right.

I moved out of Skylar's bedroom and walked towards the kitchen. I did my best not to make any unnecessary sound or else I'll be facing a consequence from a "not in the mood" Skylar. Wait! Speaking of Skylar, where is he? Maybe he's not yet done with his work that's why he decided to have an "overtime" instead of a resting time. Geez! That's why I don't understand rich business people.

I reached the kitchen with a will to drink a glass of cold water. Slowly, I opened the fridge and got a pitcher of cold water and transferred some of its content to a clear glass. I slowly sipped the water knowing that I should take all my time especially that Skylar isn't bothering me... yet.

As I was still feeling the cold water as it gives me a refreshing feeling, I heard a shattering sound of glass coming from somewhere near the kitchen I was in. Where did that sound come from? With a curious thinking I have, I immediately finished gulping the content of the glass and placed it on the kitchen sink.

Slowly, I moved towards where the sound came from and noticed the blue tint of reflecting light coming from the pool. I continued to walk towards the place where I thought I heard the sound and was greeted by the glass walls of the dining hall where the swimming pool reflects its beauty.

I moved closer and opened the glass sliding door and stepped outside to have a clear view of the mesmerizing body of water. While watching the beauty of the blue hue of the clear pool, the water slightly moved. The pool is big enough for me to have it all in one view so I scanned the place and looked what caused the movement.

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