Chapter 6

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Archer Jace Green on the media...

(Author's Note)

Geez! Please forgive me for making you wait for a long time. I am very sorry because i can't update frequently and i don't have any fix schedule on when to update and whatnot. I am currently having lots of school works and whatnot but still i find time to write. Don't worry, i hope to update two or more chapters everytime i get to update.

Well, anyhow... here's the next chappy... XOXo!!!


It Ended With a Promise

Chapter 6

A month and a week had passed since that whole sex-with-a-stranger thing and Chanel kept on bugging me about it. Hell, Mason together with Chris already had left for Japan last week and here she is, not recovering about the topic as it was all about my sex life. Like what the actual hell is it that drags her to be so attached to me when it comes to my sexual life?

Geez! It's not that I am the only one who got laid that night.

Speaking of that night, after I left that hot strangers place, I totally forgot about most things. I forgot to walk the normal way because I think his dick is just too big for my sweet little ass to handle. I mean last time I check, when Skylar entered me – not that I want to reminisce this – just two days or three and I was walking back to normal. But with this sexual encounter with the stranger, hell! I still can't walk properly for almost two weeks or so. Geez, I wonder if I could ever walk back to normal because of that.

I bet my ass is currently in a trauma.

And guess what, all I could remember is the stranger's enormous sword and superhot body. Geez, I can't even remember his face or maybe his faceless of something. Worst of worst, this tattoo I got from that encounter serves as the living proof of how horny I am that night. Like who the hell gets a tattoo before being fucked?! Who?!

Moving on, as what I had said, Mason left together with his lover. Crying is really present during that time that I even had asked my big brother to stay here and let other people do the whole Japan business stuff but all he said is that it will be another financial burden if he'll do that – which is kinda true though.

After Mason left, I always felt alone and sometimes see myself spacing out while sight-seeing at the top of his apartment. Without Chanel, I bet I am nothing but an eyebag. Why? Geez, I kept on crying and crying until I fell asleep and the same routine happen just until now when I decided to stop being a crybaby.

Like why am I always promising to stop myself from crying and end up crying again?

I bet I am just born a crybaby after all.

Chanel sometimes stays here in the apartment to accompany me and of course, bug me about that indecent night. Like I almost recovered and she's still not over it. Chanel sometimes even choses to stay for the night and leave and the same routine happens until she was called by her father to take care of their business in France. Like totally France.

Chanel even told me to come with her but I just can't. I just wanna live independently here in New York and maybe find some job and stuff while I wait for my brother to accomplish his mission.

Today, I am planning on accomplishing my own mission as it will make my big brother happy. And what is that mission? Well, to continue and finish my dream profession on becoming a real writer. Today, I am planning on enrolling to one of the nearest universities here in New York and continue my course.

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