Chapter 17

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Nick Leighton Lewis on the media...

It Ended With a Promise

Chapter 17

"What is wrong, Zee?" I asked a bit confused as to why he changed mood suddenly.

"When did you and dad get the same tattoo on the wrist?"

Skylar and I untangled our arms and we both mirrored a frightened look on our faces.

Then, we both said in unison. "It was you!"

Upon spilling those words out of our mouths, memories of what happened months ago came crashing in an awful manner.

Holy sh*t!!!

"So what's your plan Mr. Clever?" I asked him again and I really can no longer control myself as an alter ego took over.

He was about to reply when a group of boys with those tattoos all over their shoulders passed us while screaming and laughing. Geez, how I want to have a tattoo right now.

"Really?" Mr. Clever spoke all of a sudden which made me get out of my trance.

"Really what?" I asked him kind of confused as to what he is talking about.

"You want to have a tattoo right now?" He asked me asked me still with hooded eyes. Geez, his getting hotter and hotter every second.

Wait a minute! Did I spoke my mind out again? Ughhh!

"Yeah, well I bet your tattoo needle is big enough to create a masterpiece over my skin." I retorted seductively which made him grin seductively in reply. He let out a manly groan and the before I knew it, I was now inside a room with tattoo posters and pictures scattered all over the place.

"Ahhhh!" I screamed as the tattoo needle touched my skin in a painful way. Me and Mr. Clever are currently having this tattoo session in the middle of the night. What came up to both our minds to do this? I don't know! I groaned painfully as my wrist got touched again by the needle.

As of this very moment, I can't take my gaze from Skylar's façade as we both were like being splashed by a bucket of very cold water. Hell, our face both mirrored a look like a deer caught on a headlight.

"Uhhm... mom? Dad?" Zero spoke all of a sudden almost cutting the string of daze we are in right now.

Skylar was the first one to recover as he shook his head away from the trance. After such, he turned to Zero, placed the glass of milk down and messed his kid's hair. He then turned to me with that seductive smile of his and winked at me.

"Why don't we all finish this snack and then you son, go back to your room and go to bed. Your mom's staying here for the night, again." Skylar suggested leaving me with my mouth ajar.

Zero leaped away from the bed and dashed out of the room. Wow! I had never thought that Zero could be that kid who follows easily without talking too much. All I knew about him is that he is so insistent that he makes you surrender and agree in no time.

Still on my daze, I was being cast away when an arm slowly snaked my waist. I jolted at the action and grimaced when the better part of me knew it was nothing but the kid's perverted excuse for a father.

I tried to budge but Skylar already had a strong hold of my body. His breath tickled my ear as he let out a seductive puff of air there. And then, he talked in a seductive and very arousing manner. "So that was you, ey? I never thought that all the odds for having you are always on my favor. Hell, destiny love me too much that he always plans for our meet up... no... scratch that, make up rather, or should I say... love making."

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