Chapter 7

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Xeno Nathaniel Smith on the media...

It Ended With a Promise

Chapter 7

Woooh! I was currently inside my classroom attending one of my classes when an annoying hand pulled me out of my reverie. I let out an annoyed groan before turning my head back to the person behind all this irritating stunts. Turning back, I prepared a deadly glare before fully looking at this annoying being.

And there he is! A smirking handsome David McKinley.

"It would be an honor and a great pleasure for someone like me to erase that glare of yours through a kiss. As much as I love looking at it, it gives me a boner right now together with that moan you call a groan as an excuse." He stated smugly making me roll my eyes at his common antics.

Yes! You heard me right. I already am calling his acts a common antic knowing that I have been very much annoyed by this man for about two weeks now of studying here. The unfortunate me suddenly got into a class with this man making almost all of my stay and study here a living nuisance.

Like who would like having someone who thinks he's the hottest of all follow you like an obsessed stalker? Geez! It's not that he isn't good-looking though but the thing is he keeps on bugging me until such time I call for help.

And where do I call for help? Of course, from my very friendly and over-protective bestfriend, Archer Jace Green. Well, to sum it up, Jace and Xeno had been a really cool company of besties a person could ever wish. I mean, I already have Chanel but she's still in France making me miss her so much. And I am also preparing because I would really love having a bestfriend day with these people. I just hope Chanel comes back home soon.

"Would you shut it? Don't give me another reason to ask help from Jace again, David." I retorted making him groan. Ha! I really know he's is somewhat afraid of that cute little stepbrother of his. Jace can be really lovely but when it comes to protecting his friends, he's a demon.

"This isn't fair. Why would you always bring Archer when I'm having my own sweet ways to have you." He stated making me blush a little.

"I'm already taken you idiot. Stop making your moves because all you'll get from me is a slap if you continue acting like a kid." I lied making him sigh and roll his eyes. He stopped annoying me which is a relief and I started to start listening again to our professor in Poetry. Geez, I love poetry a lot it's just that I was unfortunate enough to have this class with David. Ughhh!

The day went one uneventful as always. I was currently having a phone call with my brother which made me regret answering. Who wouldn't? He is having this little moans as he keeps on talking to me about how was my stay here and stuffs related to my study while playing fire with Chris. Ughhh! What a really odd brother!

Bidding my goodbye to the both of them, I ended the call immediately. I let out a heavy sigh as I remember how I really miss my brother. I know he is good and happy there together with the love of his life but the thing is my brotherly instincts screams otherwise. Like what the hell is wrong with me?

Slowly, I turned my head to my two beautiful friends who are currently watching a movie. Well, not literally because Jace is busy with his phone while Xeno on the other hand is reading. For the past few days I had spent together with these people, I have known them for more than just being a friend. It is a surprise because we all felt too comfortable with each other.

I smiled as I move closer two these two lovely being. I am currently wearing a loose white shirt and a gray pajama pants. Jace is wearing a very seductive loose white shirt that hung loose over his shoulders with an underwear of God-knows what gender. And of course, Xeno is wearing this cute loose sweater and pajamas making him look super cute adding the fact that he is also wearing glasses that gives him more cuteness.

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