Chapter 26

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It Ended With a Promise

Chapter 26

(*you are warned! Sexual content!*)

The moment Skylar decided to end the whole romantic dinner, I knew something is coming. From the way he looks at me with those eyes darkened with lust and passion, I knew he was up to something.

The burden I had been carrying for many days suddenly vanished after the whole confession he did during the dinner. After the dinner, he immediately dragged me towards his room making him look like a kid who's too excited to open a gift. The moment the door closed I immediately attacked his lips with him devouring mine as well.

The sound that both out attached and moving lips is so erotic that it added fuel to the current situation we both are in. We fought for dominance but I know he will win. He kissed me like there is no tomorrow and I did the same. We looked like we were both hungry for each other which is kind of true.

Skylar bit my lower lip making me moan in pleasure as he slowly raised my shirt until I was half naked. He took in the view he was seeing and a second later, he immediately attacked my pinkish buds. He nibbled on them making me jolt to the pleasure his mouth is giving me. While getting busy with my chest, he was as well getting me off my pants leaving me with only my black boxer briefs.

I cupped his face and made out with him for the second time. He moved his head towards my neck and chest while sucking me making sure to leave the marks he wanted me to bear. With the heated kiss we are in, I slowly grabbed his coat out of his suit until he was left with his inner suit.

Suddenly, I felt a pleasurable pain on my shoulder blades and when I turned my gaze towards it, it was bleeding. "Ughhh, you bit me? You're that horny to just bite me whenever you want?" I tried to be angry but the pleasure is too much as he continued doing his magic on my chest.

"Just shut up and let me do you." With that, he grabbed me by my ass and moved me to the other side of the wall. All my weight is in him and still he looked like I weigh nothing. I grabbed his blonde hair while we continued marking my chest and neck.

Slowly, he put me down and a minute later, his hand slowly got inside my boxers. His hand glided towards my ass area as he pinched my skin there. He rubbed his pointing finger onto the crack which made me moan in pure pleasure. He was grinding his obvious bulge on me and the friction is to arousing.

And then, something snapped at me.

I tried to push him but he won't budge. I did it several times but he is too occupied that he didn't care.

And then, I used all of my force and pushed him and he fell on the bed. He was shocked and was about to say something when I kiss him immediately. I kissed him torridly while untangling his tie. I unbuttoned his inner suit showing his perfect chest and without hesitation, I attacked his aroused nipples and suck on to them. Skylar growled in pleasure as he throws his head up.

I unbuckled his belt without him noticing. I did the same thing on his neck and chest leaving marks he should have as payments for what he gave me. He was now half naked as I threw his suit and tie away from the bed.

Moans of pleasure dominated the erotic ambiance inside Skylar's room as we both did the thing like hungry wolves. I held his hands and moved it to the top of his head. He didn't notice the gesture since he was busy moaning as I licked every angle of his chest.

And success!

Skylar's moaning stopped the moment he realized that I had used his belt as a handcuff for him to be restrained from touching me. Geez, he looks so hot with him being half naked with only his white tight boxers with the biggest bulge I've ever seen. His hands on top of his head handcuffed towards the headboard of the bed. His biceps flexed together with the other delicious muscles he had grown to look ever so yummy.

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