Chapter 15

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It Ended With a Promise

Chapter 15

The only advice I can give you is to observe, evaluate, and then move. And after that, I know you'll find what you really like." I stated earning a hug from him.

He hugged me really tightly while murmuring his thanks to me. I was about to hug him back when I saw two very angry pair of eyes looking at us.

I gulped!

What the hell is he doing here? I mean, he might be grabbing Zero or something like that. But why is he looking at us with those angry eyes?

That's when the thought hit me. With that, I immediately untangled myself from Caleb's embrace. Caleb looked at me with confusion and later, he followed the direction towards where I was looking at.

When he saw Skylar's angry gaze, he immediately moved beside me and put one of his arms around my shoulders giving Skylar a teasing look.

"What the hell are you doing, Cal?" I asked in a hushed whisper.

"No need to worry. I got this." He retorted and started to move both of us towards Skylar who was now having a blank façade plastered all over his face.

Ughhh. Talk about bipolar.

We were about to reach Skylar just a few feet away when he suddenly grabbed me away from Caleb's arms. Caleb was taken off guard by Skylar's sudden gesture that he hadn't had time to hold me against being dragged away from him.

Caleb just gave Skylar a teasing smirk as I struggled to be set free from his deadly grip. "You must be the oh so famous Skylar Dylan Matthews?" He asked eyeing Skylar like a challenging lion.

"Oh. Don't act all too annoying, Evans." Skylar retorted making my eyes widen. Like seriously, they know each other?

"Wait...wait...wait! You two know each other?" I asked fully unaware of the whole situation.

"Our parents had been into one business project a few years ago. So yeah, we really should know each other since it is a requisite for business people." Caleb explained while filling in my confusion.

"Enough with the chitchat, Evans. We'll be going now." Skylar remained stoic while talking. What is wrong with him? He was still holding me like his afraid of the thought of me running away from him.

"Ohhhh... possessive much?Don't worry, I already had a taste of that candy." Caleb smirked teasingly earning a growl from Skylar. What the hell was he talking about? I can feel like my cheeks are burning hot. The discomfort of the atmosphere around me is really deadly.

After that being said, Caleb gave me a sweet smile before walking away. Again, I struggled to get away from Skylar's grip only for him to turn me so that I could face him. "Awww, what the hell, Skylar?!" I hissed as I tried to look hurt even if I am not.

"Do I need to remind you that you are not allowed to let any other guy touch you? Do I need to remind you that I am the only one allowed to do those things to you?" He stated while looking at my eyes.

"W-what a-are you tal-talking about?" I asked as I blushed harder. "I don't understa—" Skylar didn't let me finish my sentence when he smashed his delicious lips towards mine. I was taken aback that all I can think of was nothing but his lips on mine.

After several seconds, Skylar broke the kiss and I remained quiet and shocked. "You are mine... and only mine. The next time that you disobey my words, I will do much better than just kissing your inviting lips." Skylar stated making my heart beat abnormally fast. The same feeling was overpowering me.

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