Alvaria King Of The Fairies, And I

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When I was young my mother would cradle me in her wings and tell me,

"My little flame, please always have a calm heart. Be gentle in all that you do. A gentle dragon is to be the most feared dragon of all."

I could no longer be that gentle dragon she spoke of. I felt that die out the closer I came to my prey. He grabbed a sword from his soldier who stood near by to protect him. But he could not. Amina was ripping through his guards like chew toys. Somewhere in the calamity she had changed. She could barely fit but managed to snatch and eat two more soldier.

I felt a low growl in my throat. I felt my anger swell, my hatred grew with every step. He was shaking.

"Poor thing... You look scared. I could never imagine why." I chuckled darkly. As I finally reached the tip of the sword.

"Don't... Don't think for one second I would surrender to the likes of you. I would die first." His voice was shaky...I almost felt bad for him.

"And you shall."

It was too late for empathy on either side.

I won't deny I enjoyed the feeling, as if time had slowed to feel it all.

My claws extended to his neck as I reached to grab him. The face he made at that moment was priceless as they went slicing cleanly through his neck and to the other side. His blood took its time falling away. His last breath slipped out. His knees buckled. The sound of his gurgle pleased me. The smell of iron and brimstone was all that mattered to me. One had beat the other. His eyes were pitiful. His body collapsed into itself.

I had no idea how long I stood there with the King on my claws but when I snapped to, Amina had returned to her human form with a huge grin.  Alvaria had rounded up the survivors, King Mulur was passes out on the floor and blood mopped the halls of the castle.

Revenge smelled like dead bodies, tears, terror, and the cries of those who survived. Humans needed to learn this most of all.

King Shalm was standing next to chains. He was taken prisoner.

The body slid from my claws as they retracted. The sight I saw before me made my heart drop into pieces. Aura stood in the middle of the floor... I doubt she had moved an inch even in the midst of battle. She stood with a look on her face that broke my heart.

A face that made me realize what I had just done. I had proven Huburus right. I had become a monster.

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