When Dragons Roamed

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DEATH! DEATH! DEATH! cheered the crowds. Many of them out of hate, many had been told lies about my kind. That we had been poisoning the people and burning live stock. That we would eventually take over the great kingdoms and kill them all. We had been branded hoarders and accused of stealing precious treasures from all over. We had taken the fall for the wickedness of men. I growled a low rusty growl. I would fight to death as the rest of my people had. King Huburus grew impatient I suppose, as he drew the sword from the executioner's belt and thrust it in the air. A wave of applause and cheers ran over the room as the called for my head, my heart, for my life.

    "Today we slay the beast!" He called to the people.
    "No!" Neither King had said the word for the voice was too sweet and gentle, that of a princess. I couldn't turn to see my defender.

    "You shall not slay anyone today! This dracon has lived for decades below my very own palace and not once has it hurt someone. Dragons and dracon are not what you say they are! You poison this crowd with lies just to spill blood. You are a ruthless man."

The guards had not turned on her yet. She stepped towards the court. Her every footstep somehow resisnated through the crowd. There was something there. Power? No... Something more. Respect? No, greater, they all had love for her. The looks of shame in the crowd had shown. They all looked as if kids being scolded by their mother. She stepped forward so that I could finally get a glimpse. My lord she was astounding. I let myself follow in gawking as did the rest of the people. She wore grace and her black hair braided to her thigh. She stood tall and curvey. But most of all she had her fathers eyes, blue.

I remembered her... How could I not? We played as children.

    "If you want blood so badly why not take mine?" She thrusted out her wrist. "Or theirs?" She pointed harshly at the crowds. Some recoiled and flinched as if he would then come seize them. "Why him?"

King Huburus was now furious. He was being challenged, by a princess no less.

    "This is not child's play princess. You should leave the affairs of the kingdom to the kings. You are a baby in my sights, a woman, feeble, and should stay as such. This here is a monster. He has to pay."

The crowd leaned in, easily swayed.

    "Has he... Not payed enough." She looked at King Shalm. "Father. He has paid far too much on what is to be nonexistent evidence. There was a war, a slaughter. On hatred alone. Will you allow our kingdom to be known for the wiseness of its king, or the brutalness of its ignorance?"

The crowd was silent. I could have bet my life then on the fact the princess had won.

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