A Princess's Tail

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Screaming. I awoke to screaming. It was a horrible roar that shook the halls. I jumped from my bed and rushed to the door. I felt the cold of the stone halls upon my feet.

I heard it...terrible. It hurt my chest. I ran down the great hall past paintings of former dragon kings into the throne room. It was familiar that voice.

I burst into the room.

It was a nightmare. Blood stained the floors, the curtains, and the throne. There was fire set to the throne room, the smoke felt suffocating. It wasn't dragons breath, it was man made. It was ablaze and high.

There were bodies as far as the eyes could see. There were toppled tables. There was uneaten food. And there...at the base of the throne was a dragon...my father.

He was still and unmoving. Though the room was on fire it was cold...there wasn't a trace of brimstone coming from the room.

    "Papa...papa wake up..." I inched towards my father. There was no way...he was a king. He was powerful...he was...my dad. I stood a few feet from the great King. His great black scales didn't glisten as they did when he broke out in his jolly roar that would spread across the kingdoms.

I swallowed. My heart felt like it had turned to stone. My face was festered with tears. I couldn't help but feel alone. My papa. My father. I threw myself onto him.

He had to wake up! He must wake up. I punched at his body. I punched again.

    "Wake up! Wake up!!!! WAKE UPPPPPP!" I wailed as a mourner. How? How could he leave me? I kept punching his hard scales, bruised and cuts formed on my skin but I didn't care.

He would wake soon, just like he said he would. He said he would never leave me, mother was trusting him to keep me safe.

    "Papa...please." I buried my face in his mane. I curled my small body in the nape of his long powerful neck. I would lay with him until he woke. Just as I laid with mother. I loved him.

    "Come child." There was a hand that grabbed me from my collar. I could not see the hand of my captor, for my eyes were blurry with tears and the image of being dragged from my father.

Flames parted he and I. My King and I.

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