Alvaria King of the Fairies, And I

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All at once, Alvaria's face turned to pure terror. The crowds hushed to silence. Shalm dropped his cup. Muler's cup ran over and every guard had their hands on their swords.

I stood frozen. The chestnut of her hair... The paleness of her skin. The smell of brimstone, the fire that swelled when I looked at her. She stood there. I felt her. She was kin.

Huburus dropped to his knees. His face was filled with horror. His worse nightmare was happening. He was stuck in a room with two vengeful dragons.

The girl turned to smell and found me right away in the crowd. I let go of the princess. I levitated towards the messenger. She looked relieved as she met me half way.

"My king," she fell to her knees. "Your people, your kingdom, awaits you. Please return to us."

My heart swelled. There were more, there were more of us! My people had not died. I felt myself close to tears. I shook it away. Now was not the time for games and leaps in flower beds.

Huburus was frozen to the floor.

"Rise... What is your name?"

"Amina. I am daughter of Duran. Your father's brother. My king I am your cousin." She looked at me as she stood and smiled. Family... I still had family left. I swooped her into my arms and she fit perfectly there.

"How are you alive?" I sighed in relief.

She glared at the fallen king.

"The monster before you had not taken into regard that not all dragons trusted him. Your father ordered a group of us to flee to the fairy lands before the war. The king there..." She nodded to Alvaria who had now come to her senses and stood silently and emotionless next to shalm, "had sheltered us and went to save as many of the survivors as we could."

I looked to Alvaria who sighed.

"I wish this would have waited," She pulled from her back her large spear.

"Syferus, I was your father's closest friend. I swore to avenge him. All of you. I ordered you be taken prisoner for this very moment," she walked to me. The guards had unsheathed their swords and the tension in the air could be cut with a knife.

I couldn't believe it.

"There is war coming. The kings have planned it. Muler is to be next. The dwarves will be turned into slaves and sold. While I would be harder to defeat there is nothing Huburus wouldn't do for power."

King Muler rushed to his feet. His belly shaking wildly.

"I will never allow such a thing! Who dares anger the dwarven kingdom!!!??"

He was drunk, the idiot.

I stepped forward.

"The same king who dared to eradicate the elves, the wild cats, the giants, the warlocks. The same humans who took away our water creatures, our dragons... Even our lives. Your lives... How many human villages has he burned, cheated... he is a devil among this world. There is only one thing we can do,"

The crowd was captured into my speech, eyes and ears. They knew as well as I.

"We must slay the beast."

Of Princesses And Dragons (Book #1 Finished)Where stories live. Discover now