Golden Fire And Black Hair

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She was gorgeous as we danced. The music was so loud it blocked out everything around us. Nothing else mattered. Her hair flew as we spun and my heart soared.

We laughed and grabbed her close. Closer than we had ever been. The music died. The crowd faded. We stood staring at each other and there was a strong scent of her purfume in the air. I leaned into her and our lips touched. It was soft and sweet.

She her lips were soft clouds against mine. We pulled apart and she smiled. It was a wide goofy grin.

    "Syferus. My king. Wake up."

I laughed.

    "What do you mean?"

She placed a hand on my cheek. It was cold.


I shot up. I swallowed hard. It was a dream. My eyes were stinging. Was I crying? I looked up. Amira stood in the threshold.

    "I'm sorry my King. You were sleeping but it's well into the day and the council needs to speak with you."

I groaned and leaned forward. The covers slid from my chest to reveal I was undressed. I nodded.

    "I'll be there soon."

I could have sworn she was blushing wildly as she scurried out and down the hall.

I took a deep breath and pulled off the rest of the covers and went to the bath. It was a huge room just like bedroom. They both were king quarters. It had a huge bath that was steaming and had waters flowing in from all sides, it smelled like mint.

I stepped into it, the steam over took me as I floated in effortlessly. I allowed myself to go under. My arms reached on either side of me. My legs free falling. I felt like I was free here.

I thought of what next. Was there a next? I had to make a decision for an entire kingdom. I, who once hated humanity, now felt as if I wanted to save it. Who had I become?

A Dragon King with no answers. I felt translucent here in the water. Nothing existed outside of now. I'd lost so much to be here and still I had nothing.

My chest began to glow as my fire swelled in me. The waters around me were not crimson, but instead gold. I looked down to see that the radiance shine was mine.

I started to head to the surface. I took a breath and my wet hair covered my face. I coughed. I underestimated how long I was under. I shook myself wiping the hair from my eyes. My chest had stopped its glowing.

I cursed. What was that?

I turned. Amina stood doe eyed in the threshold of the bath. I stood nude soaking from head to toe.

Neither of us moved. I don't know whether she was embarrassed but I turned away fighting it.

    "Is there something you need?" I said putting a bass in my voice to startle her.

She immediately jumped from her trance and ran to the cabinet to grab towels. She bowed softly and wrapped one around my waist.

    "We need you in the council room. I was sent to fetch you my King." She tried to keep her voice steady but there was obvious shaking. As I looked down at her, I realized how pretty she was.

    "Don't be nervous. I am your king after all." I cradled her chin into my hand and brought her to face me. " Without you I would not be here. Thank you. Tell them I shall be there shortly." I smiled. Hopefully she wouldn't be squirmish around me if we got to know each other.

She bowed again and scurried off. I dried and went to dress. I had requested no one wait in me hand and foot. I was a Dragon King. I was young. I could take care of myself. I dresses in the finest attire. I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked like the spitting image of my father. A real king.

I opened the last dresser I had. It was filled with jewels and jewelry. I reached in. I needed this as of today.

I placed on my head a golden crown. It was time I actually reigned.

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