The Song In The Mountains

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    "So..." I said as I held her, "You said you loved me?" A wicked grin spread across my face as I gave her a soft squeeze.

She dug her knee into my leg. I groaned, she was small but she was strong.

    "Ok ok I get it. I'll be good your highness " I let her go so that she could face me.

    "This does not mean you are forgiven my King. It simply means I care for you." She blushed. Her face twisted away so that I wouldn't see her flustered. "Any how, you have plenty of concubines and Amina. She is to be your Queen so I hear."


I hadn't thought about any other woman being queen or any concubines. I had been totally oblivious to those things.

    "Who told you this? Whoever spread those lies will be punished by me. I have already chosen a queen."

I took her hand in mine. It was so soft I was scared it would disappear. But I knew how strong she was regardless of her elegant nature.

She was a warrior. I leaned in and rubbed my fingers along her back. She had been in love with me for a very long time.

    "Your uncle. He declared you two engaged." Her face scrunched.

I snapped my eyes up away from her shoulders.
    'What!? Why is he spreading lies?" I growled. I knew my uncle was slithery but I never knew he was a real snake. She looked confused.

    "I was upset because of it as well. I thought you no longer favored me."

I was heated. It was never my intentions to do any of those things. I hadn't meet with the council yet on almost anything of the sort. He'd have to be dealt with personally.

My ears flickered. I smiled.

    "I am in no such engagement. But I can be, if you'll take me." I smiled gently at her.

She bowed her head.

    "Who am I to refuse the king of all the kingdom. A Dragon King a strong dracon as yourself with a human queen." She looked up at me and grinned, "oh my."

I took her hand and took a deep breath.

    "Do you trust me?" She nodded.

I concentrated. This was something I had never done before, it would take a lot of me to do. I concentrated as my body shook and my back split. Out came my wings. My human form shook for a second but then stood still. Her face dropped.

I grinned. I had finally done it. I pushed off and I held her in my arms as a man and as a dracon.

    "How?..." She said as wind whipped around us.

    "I saw my mother do it once. She was strong and determined. She told me I could if I found my powers. And I have. I know exactly what I'm capable of...I just have to know I am more powerful than I believed." I thought of my mothers glowing being. How she looked at me. How she told me to rule as my father had.

I spotted what I was looking for and lightly decended.

    "Your mother was right." She said as I let her gently into the ground. She cradled my face in her hands. "Syferus?" She said turning to the cave in front of us.

    "Where are we?" She looked puzzled. We were so high in the mountains she shook. We were farther than any human may have been in hundreds of years.

     "We're here to prove them wrong."

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