Wedding preparations.

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Third person's POV.
"Bhai where are you??" Aabia called Aarham who was still in office.

"I'm in office. Actually I was busy with some presentations." He said while checking his presentation which he completed.

"Come home now. I'm waiting." With that she cut the call and Aarham smiled.

All day he was restless. He wanted to go home. He wanted to know what happened there. He wanted to know the answers of the questions running in his mind but he stopped himself. He doesn't want to show himself eager. He doesn't want his parents to see his craziness about the girl he never seen. Only he know how he managed to stop himself in office. But as he talked to Aabia, he immediately close his work and took car keys and walk out of his office.

He drove to home. As he reached his home,he saw his whole family seated in hall. He reached near them in hall and almost fall on the sofa.

"Assalam-o-alikum." He greeted them and closed his eyes to relax his mind.

All day was so exhausted for him. He was busy in his endless meetings, presentations and paper works but most of it he was busy in thinking about that girl named Mehak. This one name really make him tired because he never tired of any work but this name didn't let him do anything. He tried and tried but again and again was lost in her thoughts.

"Where were you son?? We waited for you whole day??" Zeeniya started looking at her son.

"Mom I was busy in work. But you all are still awake.?!" He said looking at the clock which shows 10 of the night.

"We were waiting for you. I'm so disappointed with you bhai." Aabia said and Aarham turned to her.

"Now what I did?? You know I came late always!" He said and all turned to the voice of snores.

Sameer and Shazam were laying on the carpeted floor with their eyes closed. They fall in sleep while waiting for Aarham. All Jahan family laughed looking at them who were deeply in their slumber and were hugging each other's foot.

"See my cutes sons fell asleep because they were also waiting for you." Zeeniya said looking at her sons.

"Bhai you should come early. At least today when we were gone to your would be in laws to see your bride." Aabia started and he narrowed his eyes at her.

"What?? Don't give me that look. Mom really doesn't like Mehak. Dad also rejected her and also these two stupids say no to this proposal." Aabia said and Aarham jumped on his seat.

"What?? Are you mad?? If you knew that all this has to happen then why you were singing the songs of Mehak's name in front of me. God you girl really messed my all day. I was all day thinking about that girl and now you are saying that..." Before he could complete they all burst into a laughter leaving him completely in shocked.

"See mom I told you. He's too eager to know what happened there and did we like girl or not and he's too taking interest in her. But is not showing to us." Aabia said and Aarham's both parents nodded with a huge grin on their faces.

"I didn't know that my son start thinking about my daughter in law." Zeeniya said and he felt embarrassed.

"Bhai don't shy okay. Its your would be wife's work not yours. God she's so shyly." Aabia said making Aarham's heart flutter.

"Stop teasing my son Aabia. Son we like her and I personally like her but her father wants to meet you before giving us any answer." Zeeniya said and he look up.

"Huh!! With me? But why?? I mean you meet him right then why??" He said didn't know why he was becoming nervous to meet him.

"Son he's the father of a daughter. He want surety that the boy he's selecting for his daughter is suitable for her." Jahan said and he nodded.

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