It hurts.

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Third person's POV.
The news of Mr Ahmad's death broke them all. Every face was sad,every heart was crying and so were their eyes. They were still in hospital and was shocked on the news. They were standing outside the room where their Dadi Sahib was admitted. As she heard the news of Mr Ahmad's death,she lost her conscious. Every heart was praying for Mrs Najma Ahmad. Madiha with Zeeniya and Saba entered the room with tears in their eyes.

"Khala Ami." It was Zeeniya who called her.

But she didn't open her eyes. She didn't want to. It was like she was escaping from the reality. But closing your eyes didn't mean that the reality could change. The lost was done. And they all wanted her to face it.

"Mom." Saba called as she held her hand and this time,Mrs Ahmad opened her eyes.

"My Ahmad." Cried Mrs Ahmad and Zeeniya made her sit and hugged her and all ladies cried their hearts.

"My Ahmad left me alone." She cried with the words.

"Shhh...khala Ami have patience." Zeeniya said but she knew this was not easy.

Her own heart was crying badly. Saba and Madiha held Mrs Ahmad and took her out of the cabin and Zeeniya followed them. As they stepped out,all the grandchildren were standing there to see their Dadi Sahib.

"Aarib." Crying,Mrs Najma Ahmad hugged Aarib who took her with him while Zeeniya's eyes went to them who were quite on their places and were seated like they lost the world.

She walked to the men who were her life. Jahan with his three sons was seated on a bench. Sameer and Shazam were crying silently and so was Jahan but Aarham was quite,stiffened on his place.

"Jahan." Placing her hand on his shoulder, she called him and he looked up.

He stood up and was trying hard to control his tears.

"You have to be strong. For all of them." Zeeniya said and hugged her beloved her husband who was in pain.

"How can Dad..!" Words stopped in his throat and he cried while hugging his loving wife who was consoling him.

"Zeeya Maa." Called Aarib and they looked at him.

"You all go home. Me and Shams are coming with Dadu." Said Aarib as he himself was trying hard to control his tears.

They nodded and with many tears Jahan family left from hospital. But Aarham didn't move. He was stilled,stiffened on his place. Mehak's eyes went to him who was not blinking,not moving,not crying.

"Shams bhai." Mehak called Shams who was doing paper work.

"Yes bhabhi." Said Shams as he wiped his tears.

"Aarham.. Just go to him please." She said and tried to control her hiccups as she was also feeling hurt on the lost her Dadu too.

Nodding ,Shams went to him who was seated like a statute. Kneeling down,Shams placed his hand on Aarham's and Aarham looked at him.

"Cry bhai. Our Dadu is no more. He left leaving us all alone." Shams said and cried while Aarham keep looking at him with blank face.

Shams wanted him to say something. To cry out the pain but he was quite. His eyes were as dry as desert. No tears were there.

"Where is Dadu?" Finally his lips moved and he asked.

"He's about to take to the ambulance. We are taking him home for his funeral." Said Shams as he wiped his tears.

Nodding,he stood up and without looking at anyone, he went out of the hospital and went in the ambulance where the dead body of Mr Ahmad was placed. Holding the hand of his Dadu,he keep looking at his face while Mehak and Shams came out and sat in the car which Aarib drove to home.

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