Love Addiction

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2 hours later.

Third person's POV.

"Huury Zeeniya." Jahan said looking at Zeeniya who was busy in pinning her Saree's drop.

"Help me please." She,said looking at his reflection.

Smilingly, he took steps toward her who was waiting for him to reach her.

"You are looking do beautiful today." Whispering he kissed her ear and slowly pinned her dare properly on her shoulder.

"And you're looking younger today." She said looking at him who was wearing a white kurta Pajama with his beautiful glasses on,on his eyes.

"Really!? But I'm already Young." Saying he circled Hus arms around her waist and she smiled more.

"But I thought we grow old." She replied and he inhaled her fragrance.

"You still have the sane fragrance which makes my heart flutter." He said rested his chin on her shoulder making her look down for a second with a shy smile.

"And we aren't old but young with our love." Kissing her cheek,he replied and again rested his chin on her shoulder.

Both looked at each other's reflection visible in the mirror and smiled more as the happiest 27 years of their marriage passed and they still had the sane love and respect for each other in their heart.

"I love you." She said looking at his unblinking eyes.

"Love you too." He reciprocated and both smiled.

"Zee Maa that mom..." And at the same Shams entered the room and both startled as he didn't knock but directly stepped in the room.

"Oh..Sorry sorry. I'll be going." He said turning but Jahan went closer to him and held Hus ear.

"Always ready to spoil our moment. I was sharing so beautiful conversation with your zee Maa but you've to interrupt every time right!?" Jahan said hold his ear and he was chuckling with the effort to free his ear.

"Jahan papa I swear I didn't..ahh..Zee Maa help me." He yelled with Iain and chuckled along.

"Yell today I'm not going to leave you. Don't you have manners to knock the room before entering." Jahan said freeing his ear and he ran to Zeeniya and hide behind her.

"Save me today. I'm so sorry." Said Shams looking at Zeeniya and Jahan.

"Its okay son." Zeeniya said and stopped Jahan from going closer to Shams.

"I'm sorry Zee Maa. I'm sorry jahan papa that I forgot to bring my camera. What a chance I missed to capture the beautiful moment of you two." Teasingly, he said and ran out and at the sane time both ran to catch him but he was fast and crossed the door going out.

"Crazy boy." Both said and smiled looking at each other.

"Zee Maa." Both looked at the direction where Shams was standing.

"Mom was calling you. So please hurry and don't get romantic at this moment as we have a function today." Saying he rushed out while Zeeniya and Jahan both step out of the room after him but he ran away leaving them behind.


The preparations were done. Everyone was getting ready for the engagement which was going to held in Jahan's mansion today.

"Is Aarib ready?" Asked Zeeniya to Madiha and she nodded.

"I'm going to see Maliha." Said Madiha.

"Mehak is with her. Don't worry." Zeeniya said with a smile and Aarham's feet stop on Mehak's name.

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