The realization.

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Third person's POV.
Both were restless on their places. Their beds were witnessing their restlessness because they were bearing their countless turns on every passing seconds. And their poor pillows were receiving punches on every move.

"I don't care." Both whispered and turned to other side while pulling the blanket up to their faces escaping from each other's thoughts.

Turning again to left side and on the next second to the right side,they were ready to cry. Straightening themselves on bed,they took off the blanket from their face.



They almost yelled each other's name and two tears left their eyes and again they dipped their faces in the pillow hiding from their own feelings.

The next morning.

Mehak was having her breakfast but instead of eating she was lost in her Aarham's thoughts. Her fingers were making circles around the mug of cup. Mahnoor was noticing the lost condition of her sister and also Mehak's parents were watching her who was not interested in her breakfast. She was just like this for the last week. Mr Waqar got up and Mrs Waqar followed him.

"You think we should call Aarham?" Said Mr Waqar to his wife.

Both husband and wife turned and looked at their daughter who was looking so sad.

"No I think we should wait for few days more." Said Mrs Waqar and Mr Waqar nodded.

"I just can't see her like this. I hope both end their fight soon." Said Mr Waqar and left for his shop while Mrs Waqar start cleaning kitchen.

Mahnoor saw her mother gone to kitchen and she looked at Mehak who was still seated in the same position.

"Aapi." Almost yelled Mahnoor which startled Mehak and she looked up at her sister who was grinning like an idiot.

"What's this Mahi? You scared me." Said Mehak while pushing the mug back.

"Missing Aarham bhai don't you?" She asked and Mehak didn't look at her but shook her head as no.

"No. And help me in cleaning home." Mehak said while getting up and turned to go with her plate of breakfast to kitchen but stopped as she heard some music.

Ever since you let away
All I see is rain
Everyday you are not mine
All I do is pray.

Tears dropping from the sky
As I call your name
Now I cry
Every night
Coz I want you everyday.

You are on
You are on
You are on my mind

You were all
You were all
You were all

I had.

Baby I just want you back.

Mehak turned back shocked on the lyrics playing on but what shocked her more was Mahnoor singing along the song and dancing.

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