Family fun .

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Third person's POV.
"Where they are? Why they are taking so much time?" It was Shazam who was asking these,questions to his parents who were smiling.

Shazam was so impatient to have his breakfast. He was feeling so hungry but everyone was waiting for the newly couple. His mouth was watering looking at the omelets.

"Shazam Behave." Zeeniya's voice make him look away.

All family members were on the breakfast table waiting for newly wed couple Aarham and Mehak. It was too late. Aabia was gone to call them. Zeeniya was impatiently waiting to see her daughter in-law and son together.

"Dadu(grandfather) tell me who takes so much time? Dad tell me when you and mom came on the breakfast table on the next day of your marriage?" Shazam asked  looking at Jahan who startled on his sudden question.

"Where we come from?" Jahan asked but Shazam was not leaving them.

"Tell me mom did you made your in-laws wait like this?" Shazam asked and zeeniya smiled.

"Our marriage was little different." Zeeniya answered making Jahan smiled.

Both look at each other and smiled. All the days of their marriage to their love and till now start roaming on their mind making them smile. The journey of their marriage to love was so awesome to them.

"I will not take so much like my elder brother took." Shazam said telling his future planning.

"What!?" All yelled and he just shrugged his shoulders.

"Of course. I'm so in love with food. I love eating. How can someone be late on breakfast table!" Shazam said and took a bread with omelette to eat.

All laughed looking at Shazam who start eating because he was feeling so hungry and as he said he's in love with food.

"But I'm so excited to know about the last night incident." Sameer said happily.

Both Shazam and sameer look at each other and chuckled thinking about the lizard prank.  Shazam forgot his breakfast and start waiting for his brother.

"Boys Aarham is coming. I hope he will let you both go safely." Shams said while having juice.

Everyone look up and saw Aarham coming with Mehak. Roshaane, Aabia and Zarnish were following them. Both were looking so beautiful and perfect. Every eye was stick on them. Zeeniya was smiling looking at her handsome son.

"Assalam-o-alikum." Mehak and Aarham greeted everyone as they reached near the breakfast table.

"Wasalam." Everyone answers and offered them chairs to take seat.

Aarham took a chair out for Mehak and she hesitantly sat down while Aarham sat next to her.

"Bhai where were you?? See our breakfast was also waiting for you." Shazam said looking at the omelet which was half eaten.

"You can start brother. We won't mind." Aarham said while having juice for himself.

"Mehak you feel easy. Have breakfast." Zeeniya said looking at Mehak who was seated quietly.

"Don't be shy beta. This is your home." Jahan said and she nodded

Everyone start having their breakfast but she was just having tea. Aarham turn to see her plate which was empty. Zeeniya was observing her son. She was looking at empty plate of Mehak but she was waiting what her son will do.

Zeeniya saw Aarham placing omelet and bread in her plate and a glass of juice near her. She smiled looking at Aarham and both start having their breakfast. Zeeniya smiled looking at her son who was not concern about his office but for the first time he was doing his breakfast peacefully.

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