The next phase.

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Third person's POV.

The next morning came with sane sadness and restlessness.  Metal get up from bed and looked at his tired face. Her eyes filled up with tears as she didn't want to see him in pain and here she was witnessing his pain.  She knew how hurt he was. How broken he felt.  How lonely he became. 

Covering his body with blanket, she stepped down from the bed and went to take s shower to calm her tense nerves. Taking a long cold shower,she tried to get some freshness. Changing into her peach frock with trouser matching to her frock.  Coming out she looked at him once who was still sleeping. Going in front of the mirror she dryed her hair and then spread them back on her back while half binding them in a clip. Turning around she looked at him once and without any intention of waking him up she walked out.


"What happened to you?" It's still 8 of the morning and you're up?" His father asked while coming in after the walk.

"It's going to be fun Dad. Just don't talk." Switching to one of news channel,he said and leaned back on the sofa with his coffee mug.

His father cleaned his face with towel while his eyes were observing his son who was seated in his sleeping trouser and didn't bother to wear shirt but in his white vest. His hair were still a mess spread on his forehead telling him tgat he just ran out if his bed witjoit lookibg at himself,otherwise he was very conscious aboit his looks.

But today something was special which startled his father. Instead of watching tb in his room he came down in hall to watch sime news. Taking the glass of juice his father walked to him while observing him. Spreading his arm on the sofa he took a sip of his coffee completely avoiding his father's glare on him.

"What happened to you today? Is there anything special?" Taking seat in front if him on the couch his father asked.

"Special!? It's going to be blast." He said while sitting up properly as the news headlines started

"We're giving you the latest news from business. The CEO of J companies Aarham Jahan Ahmad who is well known and reputed businessman of our country,it's shocking to know that his sister ran away from her own wedding with nonother than the CEO of Shah group of companies Shahmir Siddiqui who is well known for his adrift and playboy image."

"Bom." He saidcas the news telecast and he laughed with claps.

"See the special news." He said and saw the servant bringing the newspaper in.

"Bring it here." Ordering the servant he said and grabbing the newspaper he opened the front page and saw the sane news orinyrd on it which brought a huge smile to his lips.

"Jackpot." He said and threw that newspaper to his father.

" did this?" His father asked shocked looking at the tv screen and then at the newspaper.

"It's just the beginning Dad. Wait and watch." Placing the cup on table, he got up and walked up yo his room as he had still his sleep to finish.

Mehak's POV.

I arranged all the breakfast and serve the table but I knew bringing everyone on the table was going to be a difficult task.

"Mahi." I called her who was helping me in making breakfast.

"Go and check Maliha Api and twins. Call them for breakfast." I said and nodded she walked out of the kitchen .

"Ya Allah help me." I said while stepping out of the kitchen.

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