His Pain,Her Healing.

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Mehak's POV.
Two weeks passed that our Dadu left but life doesn't stop for anyone. So we were also living without him. Somewhere, everyone accepted the lose but only my Aarham was still standing on the way where I saw him on the first day of Dadu's death. I was so worried for him but he was all quite.

Two weeks passed but he didn't talk to me nor he shared his tears with anyone. I didn't saw tears in his eyes. It was like he was hiding those tears of grief in his heart which was building a mountain of pain inside him and I knew it will only cause him more pain. I tried to talk to him but he didn't answer. After a week of Dadu's death,he joined his business again and engrossed himself in business that he hardly get time to sit with his family who were also observing him. All relatives left to their homes leaving Jahan family alone but they were stick with each other in the bound of love. Dadi Sahib didn't go back with Hammad uncle and Waqas Taya g. Papa wanted her to live with him so that's why she didn't go and it was the first thing which brought a small smile on Aarham's lips.

"Where is Aarham?" Asked mama as I stepped in the kitchen.

"He's gone to office." I answered slowly and start helping her in making breakfast.

"What is happening with this boy?" Asked mama but I remained silent.

"Let me give juice to papa." I said and walked out with the glass of juice.

I was escaping from Mama's questions as I didn't had the answers. I knew, she was concerned about Aarham. I was worried too but I was not having any solution. Being a companion, I was doing nothing to confort him,to console him and that was  hurting me. I was not able to take his grief and pain away.

"Is Aarham gone?" Papa asked as I gave him juice.

"Yes Papa. He went early in the morning." I replied and took a seat while Shazam and Sameer joined us on breakfast table.

"Where is Aabia and Roshaane?" I asked looking both of them who become so quite these days.

Shrugging their shoulders,they start having their breakfast which Mama served with the help of maids. Soon Aabia and roshaane joined us and I saw them as quite as both Sameer and Shazam were.

"Is mom awake?" Asked Papa looking at Mama.

"Yes. She brought her breakfast in her room." Mama replied while Papa nodded.

All had their breakfast while I only took a cup of tea in breakfast. My mind was fixed on Aarham's condition. He didn't had his breakfast. And I knew he was not going to do his lunch either. Day by Day,his health was going down but he was carelessly living on.

"Mehak you okay?" I startled on the voice and looked at mama who nodded.

"I'm..I'm..fine." I replied and start sipping my tea again.

Third person's POV.

"Damn him." He yelled as he threw his file on the ground.

His employees took few steps back in fear but his anger was increasing with every passing second.

"The bridge construction project!" He stopped and looked at his one ife employee.

"J Companies got." Replied his employee.

"Damn." Pushing the vase down from the table, he roamed in his cabin fully frustrated.

"Township construction!?" He asked again.

"J...J companies." He got reply and he fell on his chair defeated.

"Sir only the park construction tender we got. All the big tender are given to J companies." His one of employee said and he burned in anger.

"Out all of you." He shouted,throwing them all out of his cabin.

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