Next phases of life.

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Aarham's POV.
Smile was not leaving my lips while my eyes were not getting tired as they were fixed on the one who was beat to my heart. My Mehak. In her sleep she was looking so beautiful and i was like a crazy fellow gazing her for the last 3 hours. She just slept few hours ago after the blissful night of our love but i was not able to sleep. I was just looking at her who was my life. I turned to check the time and with a smile, I turned to her again. Leaning on her forehead who was looking so cute in my shirt, I kissed her forehead and made my way out of bed.

Taking my clothes out of wardrobe, I went to take a bath. Coming out, I looked at her who wss sleeping still in the same position, I made my way out of the room after drying my hair and went directly in the kitchen.

"Assalam-o-Alikum." As 5i saw mom in the kitchen, I greeted her and went closer to her.

"Walikumusalm. What a surprise.  You and in kitchen?!" Mom asked surprised with a smile and I smile back  with a nod.

"I'm here to make breakfast." I told her my reason of coming.

"What? Now this is something new." She said hiding her smile.

"Oh come on mom. Can't I make breakfast!" I said as i took the breads out of the fridge and looked at mom who was filling the cups with tea.

"Of course you can. But is it for you?" Mom asked as she took her tray of tea.

"No but for my Meh.." I stopped and looked at mom who was smiling teasing me and i5 just couldn't stop myself from turning to other side.

"Dont burn anything okay." Stepping out, she said and I smiled more and started to make breakfast for my Mehak.

Ofcourse i5 was not going to burn anything. I knew to make omelettes atleast. Doing it hurridly, I decked the tray with my handmade breakfast and with a smile, I  turned to go to my room to surprise my Mehak.

Mehak's POV.
Looking around, I tried to find him but he was not in the room. I took a breath of relieve as I was not able to face him after what happened last night. I was feeling shy to face him, to look at him but thankfully he was not in the room. Stepping down from bed, I made my way toward washroom after taking my dress. Smile was not leaving my face as the last night was playing on mind and I was just smiling feeling lucky to have a person who loved me more than anything. Last night where not I witnessed his love for me but what I meant for him. That was more which was making me happy. My Aarham who had an ocean of love for me.
After taking bath, I changed into a parrot colour frock and stepped out of the washroom with  towel in my hand drying my hair but as I did, I stopped when my eyes landed on him who was standing in front of me. My heart beat quicken but feet froze on their spot, eyes stuck on him, not blinking.

"Good morning Mrs Aarham." My heart jumped when he took steps toward me with smirk on his face.

"You took long." Whispering, he stopped close to me and my eyes lowered down as my cheeks heated up under his intense gaze.

"Breakfast?" He said and I looked up at him who held my hand and pulled me with him toward the sofa side.

Making me sit, he took seat next to me and I looked at him who was arranging breakfadt for me on the table and I was shocked to see all this. 

"Give me this." Taking towel from my hand, he threw it aside and moved more closer to me while I felt my hands shivering.

"Mehak." He called but i didn't looked at him.

"Look at me." Turning me toward him, he said and I looked at his deep eyes which were filled with my love.

"I love you more after last night. Don't feel shy from me. I'm your companion, friend, love, husband and lover." On the last word, he winked at me and I smiled and lowered my eyes.

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