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Third person's POV.

"Sir." Panting Abbas and Ali reached Aarham who was talking with Shazam and Sameer.

"What happened?" He asked looking at their tense faces.

"That ma'am.." Ali paused and looked at Abbas telling him to tell Aarham about Mehak's kidnap.

"Mehak? What happened to her?"He asked worried.

"Someone kidnapped her." Abbas said making Aarham faltered on his feet.

"What?" Sameer, Shazam and Aarham said shocked.

Aarham's eyes moved to see the happy faces of his parents and Hammad Ahmad and Waqas Ahmad as they were enjoying the happiness of Shams Nikah with Zarnish. Aarib was standing with Haseeb with a smile. Aarham turned to see Abbas again.

"How can this be possible? She was just here. Go and find her. She must be here." Said Aarham while taking steps ahead to check on Mehak but holding his arm Abbas stopped him.

"Sir listen to me. I've saw a man taking Ma'am away. I ran after him but he drove away." Abbas said and Aarham felt his world going dark.

"How? Who can do this?" Feeling weak, he said as his eyes start filling up with tears.

"Sir we'll find her. Please you don't worry. We are going to find her." Saying, Abbas and Ali ran out from there while Aarham keep standing there thinking how can this be happened.

Few minutes ago, she was standing with him. With her most beautiful smile and he still could feel her warmth of her hand on his and she disappeared.

"Aarham what happened?" Aarib and Shams came running to him as Shazam told them about the kidnapping.

"Mehak!" Words couldn't come out for more as he was still not understanding that how this happened.

"Be in your senses Aarham. Tell us what happened?" Shaking him, Aarib asked and Aarham looked at him.

"Someone kidnapped Mehak." He said and both of them get more shock as the news confirmed which Shazam told them.

"Who can do this?" Shams asked worried but Aarham Sat down on a chair defeated.

He was not understanding where to start. What to do to find his Mehak.

"Mehak." He called her and closed his eyes.

Mehak's POV.
"Mehak. " I heard a voice taking my name.

I tried to open my eyes but couldn't. With my heavy head, my eyes were also heavy to open up or to move.

"Aar..ham." Taking his name, I tried to come to my senses.

"Not Aarham my love." I heard a stranger's voice.

"Open your eyes my love." I heard again and felt some water on my face this time.

Slowly, I opened my heavy eyes which cause a pain to rise in my head. A strange face was in front of me but not so clear. I couldn't see him properly as still I was not fully in my senses. Feeling the dizziness,my eyes were again going to close.

"Aar..ham." Taking his name,I lost my senses again.

Aarham's POV.

I was looking for her everywhere but was not getting clue to find her.

"Any news?" I said looking Abbas and Ali who came.

"No." They shook their head as no and I sat back on the sofa holding my head.

Our Arrange Marriage ( Sequel Of Be Mine.(Completed).Where stories live. Discover now