Another Shock.

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Third person's POV.

Jahan family was present on breakfast table. Everyone was having their breakfast. Jahan's both sisters also arrived from Dubai as they got the news of Mr Ahmad's heart attack. Maliha was also there seated next to Aarib and both were busy in talking while having their breakfast. Roshaane was glaring at both of them and was not liking the frankness of Maliha with Aarib.

"Where is Haseeb?" Asked Mr Ahmad about his grandchild who was son of Sana.

"Maybe on walk Dad." Replied sana and passed juice to her husband.

Jahan was busy in his breakfast quietly. Sameer and Shazam were quietly eating while Aabia was lost in her own thoughts.

"Pass me the newspaper." Mr Ahmad said and Aarib passed the newspaper to Mr Ahmad.

As Mr Ahmad opened the news paper,his eyes widened on the first news appeared on it. He was shocked to read the words.

"Jahan...what's...what's...this?" Said Mr Ahmad looking at the top news of newspaper.

"What happened dad?" Asked Jahan worriedly and took the newspaper from Mr Ahmad's hand who was going pale.

"What happened Dadu?" Asked Aarib worriedly as Mr Ahmad's breath start getting heavy.

Jahan looked at the newspaper and his eyes widened.

The business tycoon of Pakistan and the CEO of J Companies Mr Aarham Jahan Ahmad got shot three week ago.

The headlines were written on the top of the newspaper which shocked Jahan.

Aarham Jahan Ahmad was being attacked and he was admitted for the last three weeks in the international hospital of Australia.

The next lines made Jahan more worried. He looked up shocked.

"Dad." He yelled as he saw Mr Ahmad getting sweaty.

"Aar...Aarham." Mr Ahmad called him and all ran to Mr Ahmad and held him.

Sameer and Aarib held Mr Ahmad and walked to the hall while everyone followed them. All ladies were not understanding that what happened all of sudden. Aabia took the newspaper and as she read the news,she got worried as the news got leaked which they tried to hide.

"What happened? Why Dadu is feeling pain?" Shazam asked as he saw Mr Ahmad rubbing his left arm again.

"Dad calm down. Nothing happened." Jahan said and zeeniya and Mrs Ahmad looked at them not understanding that what happened all of sudden.

Aabia cakee running and sat next to her Dadu who was breathing heavily and with much difficulty.

"Call the ambulance." Jahan said while Aabia held Mr Ahmad's hand.

"He's fine. Nothing happened to him Dadu. Trust me. Aarham is fine." Said Aabia and pressed his left arm with her hands.

Roshaane start crying as she saw Mr Ahmad like this. Zeeniya got panicked while sameer and Shazam were not understanding that what should they do. Shams called the ambulance and returned to see his Dadu who was fighting against death.

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