For the Rest of the life.

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A week later.

Third person's POV.
Jahan mansion was once again filled with sadness. Jahan and Aarham were back to Karachi and trying to move on with time but still their minds and hearts were captured in the shock which Zara gave them.

"Aarham." Called Mehak but he didn't move but remained in his sitting position lost in thoughts.

"Aarham." Calling him again, she went closer to him and took seat next to him.

"What are you thinking? It has been a week that you've returned from Islamabad and lost still in that news." Mehak said looking at his thoughtful face.

"I'm still in shock that how Zara can do this and more of it I'm so much angry on that Riyyan that how could he. Only to save himself, he played with our Zara." Aarham said looking so angry.

"But it was your decision to take the case back." Mehak said and filled the cup with tea for him who was looking so tired.

"Just for Zara. I know how hurt Shams and waqas taya g are. And furious too that's why they broke every relation with Zara. And that Riyyan was smiling when he saw me. I know he did it purposely only to save himself." Aarham said defeated which made Mehak sad.

"We can't do anything now because they are married now. Riyyan has played a game to be save himself and now for Zara we're letting him go. Now just pray that she live happily with him whom she choose over her family." Mehak said and Aarham gave a nod in agreement.

"Now you've to cheer up for those who loves you. In just few days, Sameer is going and we've to live there days with him with smiles to make these days memorable. So just lighten up your mood and go to the twins who are looking so sad." She said and Aarham looked at her as he got remember something.

"When sameer is going?" He asked.

"After 5 days." Replied Mehak and Aarham got up and walked out of his room.

His feet moved toward the lawn where he knew his twins would be spending their time. Mehak followed him and as they reached the lawn they saw sameer and shazam seated lost in their own thoughts. Aarham formed a smiled on his lips for his brothers and went closer to them

"What's happening boys?" Asked Aarham as he took seat next to them.

"Nothing bhai." Replied shazam and start using his mobile.

"Hey come on twins. I know there's a difficult situation we all are going through but we can't miss these days with each other as we know that our sameer is going. So from now on, i want to spemd more timewith you both and let's do some party and fun." Aarham said and shazam looked at his brother with a smile.

"No limits?" Shazam asked getting excited while Aarham narrowed his eyes at him tried to scare him.

"Its not fair bhai. Ypu can't put that limit line on the fun. Right Sameer?" Asked shazam looking at sameer who smiled.

"What bhai say is best." Sameer said and this time Aargam laughed.

"That's good. So now I'm going to decide what we have to do to have fun." Said Aarham and Shazam sighed looking down shaking his head.

"Then we're going to bore." He mumbled to himself but Aarham heard and so did Sameer too who laughed on his words.

"What did you say?" Folding his sleeves on his forearm, Aarham got fully ready to beat shazam who got what was going on his mind.

He stood up and ran in the huge lawn to save himself from Aarham who was running after him to catch him. Sameer laughed looking at them both and ran after them while Aarham and Shazam were also laughing and running, chasing each other. Mehak who was stranding a little far with Zeeniya and Mrs Ahmad were smiling on their laughter and their hearts were praying for their life and happiness.

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