The Rescue

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Third person's POV.

The cars were moving on the road while all seated inside were so anxious, their minds had a lot of thoughts.

"Aarib Bhai hurry please." Said Aarham getting restless as They were moving toward Riyyan Malik's house, the way was not ending.

"I'm. Is police coming?" Asked Aarib and took a right turn.

"Commissioner uncle said that his officers were directly attack on Riyyan's house. I hope we could find him there." Said Aarham and Aarib nodded and so did Shams.

They kept moving toward the residence of Malik's while their heart were praying in front of Almighty WHO never leaves them alone and here was listening their silent prayers for sure.

Stopping the car in front of the bungalow,They all stepped out the car hurriedly and looking at each other they took steps further toward the bungalow. Pressing the bell button they waited for the door to be opened. Few seconds later, the door opened up. Pushing the guard aside all stepped him

"Who are you? How are you coming in?" Afraid, the guard furious and took his gun out.

All turned to see him but they smiled as they saw Ali and Abbas reaching after them and snatched the gun from that guard. In few seconds other guards reached them.

"Sir you go ahead. We'll handle them." Folding his sleeves on his forearm, said Abbas and nodding Aarham moved ahead but guards came in his way stopping him.

"You can't go in." Pushing Aarham back, said one of the guard but grabbing his hand Aarham pushed him to other side in the clamp of Ali who held him in his right grip while Aarham took steps inside with Shams and Aarib.

"Riyyan." He shouted his name as he entered the house and looked around to find him.

"Riyyan." Yelled his name again and again looked around to find him.

"What's going on here? Aarham what are you doing here?" Jibran Malik asked stepping down the stairs and looked at three of them.

"Where is Riyyan Sir?" Aarham asked going to him.

"Why are you asking about him?" Asked Jibran Malik looking at Aarham and Shams.

"Sir please tell us where is your son? He kidnapped Mrs Aarham." Said Aarib going to him.

"Please tell us if you know anything." Going forward said Shams.

"I..I..don't know anything. I never knew he'll do it. How?what he did?" Said Mr Jibran Malik worried and walked toward sofa and held his head.

"Do you know where he is?" Aarham asked kneeling in front of him.

"No. He didn't come home since last five days. I don't where he is. What he's doing." Said Mr Jibran Malik worried.

"I'm so sorry on behalf of my son." Said Mr Jibran Malik as he was feeling guilty on his son's act.

"Can you please call him? Contact him check where he is?" Said Aarham and nodding Mr Jibran Malik took his mobile and called his son.


"Zeeniya have your medicines please." Said Jahan looking at Zeeniya who was crying.

"Mom please tell her to take her medicine. She's making me tense more." Jahan said looking at his mother who went closer to Zeeniya and hugged her.

"Don't cry. Allah (SWT) will help us and everything will be okay." Mrs Ahmad said and wiped Zeeniya's tears.

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