Romantic morning.

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Third person's POV.
"We are so late." Zeeniya said while combing her hair.

Jahan smiled looking at her. He took off his glasses and walked to her. Hugging her from behind  he put his chin on her shoulder.

"Relax. Sometimes its good to be late." Jahan whispered while kissing her cheek.

Zeeniya smiled and leaned back to rest her head on his shoulder.

"I'm so happy. Aarham is getting close to Mehak." Zeeniya said while wrapping her arms around Jahan's arms.

"I told you. Love pulls. Both are coming closer. Just don't think too much." Jahan said while relaxing her.

She nodded and smiled looking at her loving husband who was always there for her to relax her. To be with her. To just vanish her all worries. She turned to him and start butting his coat and put glasses on his eyes.

"Thank you." she said and he kissed her forehead.

"I love you." He said making her smile.

"Love you more." She replied and both laughed looking at each other.

"Come everyone would be waiting on breakfast table."  Jahan said and both walked out of the room with hands in hands.

As they reached near the breakfast table they saw their whole family was there waiting for them.

"Assalam-o-Alikum everyone." Jahan said looking at all of them.

"Wasalaam." All replied.

Both took their seats and zeeniya look around to find Sameer. Aabia and shamsa chuckled and zarnish with Roshaane look down to hide their smiles.

"Mom you must be searching your Sameer." Shazam said and zeeniya nodded.

"There he is." Shazam said and zeeniya looked at the direction.

Zeeniya could see Sameer laying on the front sofa of hall which was visible from this dinning side. His arms and one leg was hanging down from sofa and he was in deep sleep. Everyone tried to control their laugh. Zeeniya sighed looking at his crazy son.

She walked to Sameer and slowly took his leg to put it on sofa. Going again in her room she took the blanket and went back to hall to cover Sameer with that blanket. Taking his head in her lap she sat on sofa and start running her fingers in his hair. All family members were smiling looking at the love of mother and son. Zeeniya kissed Sameer's forehead and slowly got up after placing his head on cushion. Walking back to the breakfast table she was smiling.

"Mom your elder son is still in his room. Can I go to call him?" Aabia said and was about to get up.

"No. Let them sleep. They slept very late last night and both were so tired." Zeeniya stopped Aabia and she nodded.

Everyone started their breakfast. Mr.Ahmad was making jokes with his grandchildren. Everyone was smiling and laughing.

Mehak's POV.
Snuggling in the warmness a smiled touched my lips. Resting my head on something I felt so good. Something moved on my waist making me feel so good and ticklish. Suddenly I realized something. My eyes snapped open. I blinked my eyes to wake myself completely. I felt a warm breath on my neck. I slowly moved a little back and his face appeared to me.  We were still in the same condition in which we slept last night. Laying side by side hugging each other. My eyes were stuck on his sleeping face. His breath was falling on my face tingling my heart. I tried to move a little but his hold was so tight holding me close to his heart like last night. He moved a little in sleep and I immediately closed my eyes to pretend me asleep. He straighten on bed pulling me on him. My heart was beating as hell. What he was doing to me. Few seconds later I opened my eyes and look up at his face. A breath of relieve released from my lips as I saw him sleeping. I look at myself and a blush creep on my cheeks as I was laying on top of him on his chest. Pulling my hand from his back I rested it on his chest. I felt his heart beat under my hand and I smiled. Leaning toward his chest I rested my head on it to hear the rhythm of his heart beat. A smiled touched my lips and my eyes closed with the music of his heart beat. My other hand tangled with his shirt button and my fingers start playing with it. It was strange. Everything I was doing feeling everything was increasing strange feelings inside me.

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