Finally that night.

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Third person's POV.
The car stopped and she turned her head toward him who was looking straight. She waited for few seconds for him to say something but he was all quite. Not even bothered to look at her.

"Thank you for dropping me." She said and with the words, she made her way out of the car leaving him behind.

She didn't turn to see him but kept her feet strong to move away from him. Hiding the wetness of eyes, she disappeared in the hospital building. Averting his eyes from the direction where she was walking, he rested his head on the steering wheel.

"What I'm doing?" Asking himself, he moved back and once again his eyes moved toward the hospital where she just went, he started his car and drove away from there rejecting the voice of his heart.


"Did you say to her?" As he entered office, Ali got him and asked.

"What?" Asking, he pushed him away and went toward the cabin which was made for them to sit.

"What? Are you asking what? Abbas are you in your senses?" Ali asked shocking going after him.

"What are you talking about Ali? Don't talk too much. I'm having a headache." Rubbing his temples with his fingers, Abbas replied.

"And why are you having this headache?" Ali asked taking the chair and looked at him.

"That girl..." He stopped on what he was saying and opened his eyes.

"Yes that girl. I'm talking about that same girl who did all this to you and you like a jerk came without saying anything to her."Scolding, Ali stood up and walked out of the cabin.

"What i supposed to say?" He thought and sighed while walking out behind Ali.

Aarham's POV.
The meeting was going on. But i was not there. My mind, my heart was back there with Mehak.

"Sir what you think?" I was called by one of my employee and i came out of my thinking zone.

All were looking at me asking for my opinion but I didn't know what they talked about. Sitting up properly, I pulled my coat on my shoulders and looked at them again.

"Rahil...actually postpone this meeting. We'll discuss this some other day." I said looking at my employee and all looked at me confused.

I knew, it was me who arranged this meeting in so much hurry that I didn't give them much time to prepare the presentation and here, I myself was cancelling the meeting but what to do when I was overwhelmed in my Mehak that i couldn't think anything else.

"But sir.." Rahil tried to say but i stood up.

"Its over. I'm not in mood." Saying, I marched out of the meeting room and I could hear whispers behind me but i ignored them and walked to my cabin still my thoughts tangled with the beautiful face of my Mehak who was tingling my heart continuously.

"What I'm thinking!?" Entering my cabin, I asked myself and landed on my chair with a smile.

"Mehak where you've stuck me!" Asking, I was again lost in her thoughts who was making my heart to beat fast with every passing second.

Mehak's POV.
"Bhabhi what a pakora.." Sameer said while eating those pakore (dumplings) which I made.

"Don't eat too much. Leave some for us too." Mama said as she he entered the lawn and I smiled looking at her who was now looking much better.

It was beautiful evening. The sky started to cover with beautiful clouds and cool slow breeze was entertaining us and my two cute twins brother in-laws were enjoying pakore which they demanded from me. I was smiling as mama joined us and I passed her cup of tea with some evening snacks.

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