Love Moments

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Mehak's POV.
I don't know where he was taking me but I was happy that he was with me. I was looking at the passing views which were so beautiful and captivating.

"Where are we going?" I asked to end the silence.

"To see the best waterfalls." His answer came with full of excitement.

"You know I once came here with my friends but now I want to see the beautiful waterfalls with the most beautiful person of my life." He said as he held my hand.

My heart jumped when he held my hand. Every time his simple touch gave such butterflies in my stomach and tingling in my heart that I never felt before. Intertwined our fingers,he kept himself busy in driving. After drive of 2.5 hour,we there.

"We reached ma'am." He said as he parked the car.

"This is carrington waterfall." He said as he pulled me out of car and took me toward the beautiful waterfall.

As I looked ahead and was amazed to see the beauty. The pure nature was in front of me. We were at cascade of carrington. There were waterholes and rocks. Many people were seated there on the rocks by the cascades and were enjoying  themselves. I was just amazed looking at beauty. The beautiful waterholes and rocks between thin water everything was captivating. Around it the bushes and trees were making the view more beautiful.

"Shall we ma'am?" I turned and saw Aarham with his hand waiting for me.

"Sure." I held his hand and he smiled.

He leaned down and covered his jean a little above from his ankles. We both walked closer to the rocks on which water was passing. We removed our shoes and I held my saree from front and walked with him toward the rocks. Cold water rushed touching our feet and I giggled. I was holding him tightly due to fear of falling.

"Don't worry. I won't let you fall." He said holding my hand tightly.

I looked around to find a dry rock to sit on. Aarham took me with him and we sat on a rock,hanging our feet in the rushing water. I was giggled with every touch of water. The beautiful trees and bushes were pulling me to this pure beauty of nature. I just didn't had words to explain the beauty of Allah's creation. This beauty,the tress water,rocks the water going down from the rocks and it's voice and the clear blue sky above all this, everything was so wonderful that for once I lost myself in it and then my heart and mind reminded the One who made all these things. Who was the creator of all. My eyes filled with water in love of my Allah(SWT) who blessed us with so much and we still are so far from HIM in thanking him. We just couldn't find the words to praise Allah(SWT).,who's creations are beyond any praise and adorations. Because praise and adoration couldn't just explain how much great my Rab-e-Ta'alah is,and how much He's Worthy of praise.

"Subhanallah." My lips moved praising my Allah(SWT).

"Yes Subhanallah. Allah(SWT) is worthy of praise. All praise are only for our Allah(SWT). So beautiful." Aarham said and I nodded in agreement.

"Let's roam around." He said and held my hand.

We start roaming around. He splash water on me making me giggle. Many couples were there like us enjoying. We walked through the water and I enjoyed every moment there.

"Abbas." Aarham called his bodyguard.

I saw Abbas and Ali coming toward us. Aarham took camera out of his hand bag and passed to Abbas.

"Click our some pics." He said and I startled.

Taking pictures in front of these bodyguards I felt strange. Both looked at each other again with the expressionless faces and I sighed. Me and Aarham went to cascades passing through the rocks. We stood on the rock and Aarham went behind me. I felt him wrapping his arms around me waist and I felt ticklish and shy at the same time. I looked up at Abbas and Ali but they were like machines standing without any expression on.

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