Shock after Shock.

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Third person's POV.
They all were silent on their places while their eyes were on the door which was closed and on the other side of the door,their little princess was fighting against death. Zeeniya was shocked on her place and so was Jahan. They were not understanding that why their little princess did this. Why she tried to take her life. What was there in her life that they didn't know. They were shocked on their places and were silent while  their hearts were praying for their daughter's life.

Mehak's eyes moved to see Aarham who was standing near the wall but his face expression could say that how worried he was for his sister. Shazam and Sameer were standing next to him with the same worried expressions on their faces. Aabia was standing with Shams who was trying to console her and was assuring her that nothing would happen to Roshaane. Mrs Ahmad was rolling the Rosary while her lips were praying for her granddaughter's life.

The door opened up and the doctors came out after an hour of struggle to save a life. Aarham with Jahan ran to them to ask about the condition of Roshaane.

"How's she?" Asked Jahan immediately.

"Don't worry she's fine." Doctor said with a smile which brought a relieve in them.

"Can we see her?" Asked Aarham impatiently.

"Not now. We want to keep her under observation for few hours as she lost much blood." Doctor said and they nodded.

Doctors left from there and Jahan and Aarham turned to see Zeeniya who was seated quietly. Jahan took steps toward her who was looking so scared and weak.

"She's fine now." Holding her hands,Jahan said and she nodded but didn't look up at him.

Stopping her tears,she tried to hide her pain and fear and there she coughed.

"I told you never stop your tears." She looked at him who was aware of her every feeling,every condition.

Many tears left her eyes and she held his hands in hers.

"Why did she do this? Why? I'm not understanding that why our Roshaane did this?" Zeeniya said and cried and rested her head on Jahan's shoulder while he wrapped his arm around her.

Aarham turned to other side to hide his tears as he was feeling the same pain and question rising in him. He was scared to lose again someone. Mehak looked at him who was not looking at the broken condition of his parents and she knew that he couldn't see them like this. Going to him,she held his hand to assure him that she was there,with him in every situation.

"Zeeya Maa. Stop crying now." Aarib came and sat in front of Zeeniya.

She looked at him and cried more. He held her hands and squeezed them a little.

"Our Roshi will be fine and I promise whatever her problem is,I will solve it. I won't let her cry or hurt herself again. Its my promise,to my Zeeya Maa." Kissing her hands,he said.

"I know Son that you'll fulfil your every promise but what's bothering me that why did she do this? Why?" Zeeniya said and all stuck on this question that Why? Why did She do this?

"I know." All heads turned to the direction of Mahnoor.

Every eye was fixed on her who looked at them all and then looked down. Everyone was waiting to hear what she had to tell them. They were waiting to know the reason. Aarham held Mehak's hand tightly as his heart beat increased in fear.

"You know the reason? Tell us then." Said Maliha coming forward and Mahnoor looked at her and then at her hand where she was wearing that engagement ring.

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