His Pain,Her Healing 2

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Mehak's POV.

I looked at the clock to check time. It was 12 of the night and he didn't come home. My all hopes were dying. I thought today he'll be home soon but no he didn't. He was still in his office. The weather was also not good. The thunders and the heavy rainfall was scaring me more. Everyone went to sleep but I was waiting for him. Taking my mobile,I start dialing his number.

"Hello." On third bell,his voice appeared.

"Aarham where are you?" I asked as my eyes filled up with tears.

"Its heavily raining and you didn't come home. Come soon please." I said and tried to stop myself from crying.

"Don't be scared. I'm coming." I heard his voice and he ended the call.

In the huge mansion,seated alone in the living hall, my heart was beating with fear as the thunders voice was scaring me. I keep waiting for Aarham but he didn't come. Laying silently on the couch,I pulled my legs closer and closed my eyes tightly.

Aarham's POV.
I was driving fast knowing she must be waiting and more of it I knew she was scared of these thunders. Forgetting my all pain, I wanted to reach her who was in fear.

Past two months were like hell. I didn't show up what was going inside me. And I didn't want to because I knew my tears and  pain will hurt my loved one and I never wanted that but in doing this,I pulled myself far from my loved ones which was also hurting and it made me so frustrated and disturbed. The grief of losing Dadu was not giving me peace any second but I couldn't share this to anyone. I stopped the car in the porch and walked in with heavy heart filled with grief and sorrow. As I stepped in the hall,my eyes went directly on her who was laying on couch with closed eyes.  Sighing,I moved closer to her and sat in front of her to see her. Its had been long since,I haven't seen her. Didn't see her this close. My eyes started to filled up with tears but I didn't let them come out. Averting my eyes from her face, I got up.

"Mehak." I called her.

"Mehak." I called her again and this time, her eyes opened up on my voice.

"You came." She said while getting up.

"You okay?" She asked and I nodded without looking at her.

"I'm good." I said while walking toward stairs.

"Aarham your dinner." I heard her and stopped.

"I'm not..."

"Don't say you don't feel hungry. I know you're feeling hungry." I heard her and turned to see her.

She walked back in kitchen and I stepped up the stairs to my room. Changing into my night dress,I did my ablution and offered prayer. As I completed my prayer, I got up and as I turned,I saw her standing on the doorway.

"Dinner is served." I heard her and without any answer, I took steps out and felt her following me.

"Aarham." She called me while stepping with me.

"Hmm." I just said while looking down.

"Am I become ugly that you don't like to see me anymore?" She asked and I turned to her shocked.

But she without looking at me, moved ahead and went to the finning table. But I was tangled with her words. She and ugly!? I thought that how she thought like that.

What she just said!?

I thought and silently sat down on my chair.

"You didn't answer me." She said as she placed a plate in front of me and I looked up at him.

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