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Third person's POV.

Two more days passed but Aarham didn't came to his conscious. Mehak was crying and getting worried and on other side,Zeeniya was getting tensed as whenever she called,it was Mehak who answered the call. Aarham didn't talk to her which made her more worried.

"Aabia asked Mehak, is Aarham okay?" Zeeniya said worriedly.

"Mom he's fine. I'll talk to her okay. Don't worry." Aabia said and went to her room as she was also worried that Aarham didn't call them nor talked to them.

It was weird that never happened before. She took her mobile and start dialing Mehak's number. On the other side,Mehak got panicked again as she saw Aabia calling.

"Hello Bhabhi." Aabia said as Mehak received the call.

"Bhabhi is Bhai okay?" Aabia asked directly without asking anything else.

Mehak's eyes filled with water again and she keep looking at his face.

"Bhabhi tell me the truth." Aabia asked while holding her heart.

"He's..he's not good Aabia." Finally Mehak said and cried more.

"What...what happened to him?" Aabia asked controlling herself.

"He..he got shot. I'm scared. Please do something." Mehak cried more holding Aarham's hand.

"You didn't tell us?" Aabia asked with tears in her eyes.

"He..he stopped me before closing his eyes. But now I'm scared Aabia. Its been three days but he's not opening his eyes." Mehak cried making Aabia worried.

"Shhh...Bhabhi nothing will happen. We're coming." Aabia said which made Mehak to come to her senses.

" don't..don't tell anyone as Aarham didn't want mama,papa to know about this." Mehak said and saw doctor coming in and she walked out of the room.

"Keep standing here." Mehak ordered Abbas and Ali and they nodded while standing straight in front of ICU.

"Aabia listen don't tell Mama. She'll be stressed out." Mehak said going to the benches and sat there.

"But I can't let you both stay there like this. Okay let me think something but keep my bhai in your care please." Aabia said and Mehak nodded and cut the call.

Aabia start roaming here and there while crying. She didn't know what to do. How to reach there to her brother. Suddenly a knock on her room door made her look at there and the person opened the door.

"Aabia Guriya we..." Aarib stopped on his place when he saw Aabia crying.

"Hey what happened?" He went closer to her and placed his hand on her head.

"Aarib bhaiya that Aarham Bhai got shot." Aabia said and Aarib looked at her shocked.

"What?" He almost yelled.

Mehak's POV.

I looked at him who was not waking up from his sleep. Three days passed and he was still in the same condition. If he was okay then why he was not waking up. Why his eyes were closed.

Taking his hand in mine,I leaned closer to him and looked at his face,covered with oxygen mask.

"Wake up. For me." I whispered while my tears flowed down from my face.

"Aarham please. I'm scared." I said and rested my head carefully on his chest.

"I want to say a lot of things. Please wake up." I whispered feeling his slow heart beat.

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