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Third person's POV.

All were seated in hall,looking at the ground while their minds were lost in their own thoughts. Aarham was seated aside while his mind start hurting as he was not understanding what to do. He didn't want to trust that piece of paper which he was holding.

His eyes moved to see his parents who were seated lost,defeated. All the day passed but they couldn't find Aabia. His eyes went to Shams who was seated on the sofa alone but his face was telling the story of his heart. On every face,there was sadness, shock and grief. He felt the world of happiness shattered. Their house of love and happiness shattered. The obstacles of life were not ending and the house which was filled with love and trust was looking so broken today. Aarham's eyes filled up with tears as he saw his family shattered like this. He saw Roshaane who was standing in a corner. He felt bad as for his sister's happiness, he broke two hearts. Looking at Aarib and Maliha,he felt more guilty. Maybe this was the punishment, he got.

He saw Abbas and Ali coming. Getting up,he walked out to them.

"Any news?" He asked with a hope.

"No sir. We couldn't find her." Said Abbas.

"Sir let's check the CCTV footage. Maybe we could see what exactly happened?" Said Ali as his heart was not believing that Aabia can do such thing.

"I forgot that totally. Hurry go and check to the security room." Said Aarham while taking steps with them and they nodded.

All three of them went in the security room where they could see the clips of last night. His heart beat increased as he knew his sister was innocent and he wanted to believe what his heart was saying. Abbas start checking the clips.

"Sir." Shocked, he turned to Aarham who was waiting impatiently to see the result.

"The data from late night is deleted." The words were like a bomb for Aarham.

The last hope was also ended. He took two steps back defeated. He was not understanding how to face his parents. How to face Shams and his parents.

"Sir you don't worry. We're trying to find her. Just take care of yourself sir." Abbas said hurriedly going closer to Aarham who was lost.

Tears brimmed up in his eyes and he looked at Abbas and Ali who were standing worried for him.

"Please sir take care of yourself. Don't worry we'll find her." Ali said as he was hardly showing himself strong.

Their boss's condition was making them cry but for him they were trying to stay strong.

"Find her Abbas. At any cost." Aarham said holding himself and both nodded.

He walked out in the lawn where he could feel the rays of sun which was about to set. The rays of sunset. His eyes roamed on the sky which had the mark of evening, approaching them and he felt the dark filling up in his life like it was filling up the sky.

"Dadu." Closing his eyes,he called his Dadu and many tears left his eyes.

"I'm not strong. I need you. I need you." Sitting on the bench, he cried while hiding his face in his hands as he was feeling himself helpless.

"What should I do now?" He cried more as the grief was increasing with every passing second.

"Aarham." His companion reached him and placed her hand on his shoulder and he looked at her who was also crying like him.

"You've to be strong." Taking seat next to him,she said and held his hand in her.

"I'm not." Looking down at the ground, he said and tried to stop his tears.

Our Arrange Marriage ( Sequel Of Be Mine.(Completed).Where stories live. Discover now