The Heal of love.

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Third person's POV.
All family members were gathered in his room who had been in sleep for the last two days. Every eye was wet and heart was praying for his come back. Sameer was seated next to him while Shazam with roshaane and Aabia were seated on his feet side. Jahan and Zeeniya were seated on bed worried for their son who was suffering from high fever for the last two days.

"How's he now doctor?" Asked Jahan as the doctor checked Aarham.

"He'll be fine Inshah Allah. Its something on his mind bothering him other wise there's nothing to worry. I'll give him injection and he'll be fine till morning." Said doctor and all took a breath of relieve.

"Don't worry Mr Jahan. He'll be fine." Said Doctor and Jahan went to see off him while all keep seated there next to him.

"Come on now kids have rest and let him take rest. He'll be fine till morning." Said Mrs Ahmad looking at her grandchildren who were around their elder brother but Mrs Ahmad could see his companion seated in a corner silently. Her tears were telling the story of her heart.

"I want to be with bhai." Said Sameer holding Aarham's hand.

"Let him rest beta. Doctor said he'll be fine." Said Jahan as he stepped in the room and went closer to his son who was looking so worried for his brother.

"Bhai will be okay?" Roshaane asked and Jahan nodded with a smile to assure them.

"He'll be fine Roshaane. Don't worry. Our bhai is a tough guy." Said Aabia and went closer to all the siblings

"Come on. Now go and have some rest. His fever is going down now." Said Aabia touching forehead of Aarham which brought a smile on their face.

"Kids go to your rooms now. Your brother is okay now." Said Zeeniya and all nodded.

Kissing their brother's hands,forehead, all walked out of the room leaving her alone with him. As the room got empty, she went to lock the room and walked to him slowly. Taking seat next to him,she held his hand in hers and kissed it with love.

"Come back." Sobbing, she whispered.

Leaning closer to his face,she gave a caress to his cheek with her thumb.

"Aarham come back. Come back please." She cried looking at him.

And she saw a tear escaped from the corner of his left eye. She could feel the battle going inside him. The battle of fear and pain.

"Da..du." He mumbled in his unconsciousness.

"Aarham." She called him again on his whisper.

"Me..h.ak." He took her name and his forehead filled up with sweat.

Mehak's POV.

"Me..h.ak." He called me and I could see his forehead filling up with sweat.

"I'm here." Holding his face in the cup of my palms,I said.

"Don't..go." He said again and again I saw a tear rushed out of his eye.

"I'm not going anywhere. Please come back Aarham." I said as I rested my head on his chest to feel his heart and somewhere I wanted to give him believe that I was here,close to him. I was not going any where.

"I'm here." Closing my eyes,I keep listening his heart beat which started to calm down.


I opened my eyes waking up from sleep. I tried to move but I couldn't. Coming to my senses,I tried to find out where I was. I moved a little and tried to see. As I looked up at the face in front of me,my lips stretched into smile.

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