Wedding 2

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Third person's POV.
Everyone was ready to depart. The Barat was ready but groom was not. He was still in his room getting ready for his was the big day for Aarham and his family. Jahan mansion was filled with happiness and laughter.

"Where is your son?? Its getting late.?" Zeeniya said looking at Jahan who was also waiting for Aarham.

"Mom Bhai Shams is with him. He's getting ready. Give him some time. Its a big day for him." Sameer said coming closer to his mom.

"I know. But its just that I'm nervous. Its a big day for my son. I'm so happy." Zeeniya said excitedly.

Jahan smiled looking at his wife who was so happy. Actually his all family was so happy. He was just prayering for their happiness to last forever.

"Zee Maa." Zeeniya turned on the voice of Shams.

All eyes went to the stairs where the most handsome groom was standing in brown sherwani with a turban on his head. He beautifully walked to his mother and stand in front of her.

"Mom is this necessary to wear?" Aarham said irritatedly touching the turban he was wearing.

All laughed looking at him. He turn to see his siblings who were laughing. He glare at them and then turn to his mother.

"Mom I'm not going to wear this. My Bluetooth is also disturbing with this turban." Aarham said while taking off the turban and again fixed the Bluetooth in his ear making the whole family shocked.

"Aarham are you mad? What  this Bluetooth is doing in your ear?" Zeeniya asked and look at him who fixed the Bluetooth device in his ear.

"Hello Rahil check the codes and msg me." Aarham said as his Bluetooth connected to his mobile.

"Okay I'll be waiting." Aarham said and look at his mother who was glaring at him.

"Mom sorry but I have to apply the tender tonight so I just send Rahil to office to bring some files and..." He was saying but zeeniya cut him off.

"And Aarham Jahan Ahmad.? Are you mad. Its your wedding and you are still after you meetings and tenders. I can't believe this." Zeeniya said and before he could say something zeeniya pull that Bluetooth out of his ear and took his mobile out from his Sherwani pocket.

"Mom what are you doing?" Aarham protested but zeeniya hand over that mobile and Bluetooth to shams.

"If I saw him again talking on mobile in these two days then you'll be one who would have to answer me." Zeeniya warned shams as well and he nodded.

Aarham made a face while Sameer and Shazam just laughed looking at him. He glare at them but today they were not going to stop teasing him.

"Bhai for today at least just come out of your files and business. Feel your wedding." Sameer said and took the turban from the table and again put it on his head.

"Our bhabhi is waiting. Let's go." Sameer said looking at Aarham which makes him smile.

"People we should go now.!" Aabia came down after taking so much time for getting ready and now was getting impatient to go.

"By the way you are late." Shams said and she poked her tongue to him making him laugh.

"But my mobile mom!" Aarham again look at the mobile shamsa was holding.

"Hell with your mobile. Let's go." Aabia said and hold his arm and took him out from the house to porch where a car fully decorated with flowers was waiting for him.

Drummers were beating the drums and Shazam and Sameer start dancing. Roshaane with her cousins were also dancing and clapping. All the relatives were happy smiling and dancing. The groom was standing just looking at shams for hope that he will gave him his mobile but shams just shrugged his shoulders and went closer to him.

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