Embrace of Love

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Third person's POV.

"What happened to weather all of sudden?" Said Aabia looking out from the glass wall.

"I think we should postpone our shopping today." Zeeniya said looking at the storm going on.

"Zee Maa." Zeeniya turned to stairs where Shams was coming.

"Come have breakfast." Zeeniya said with a smile and he joined his parents on breakfast table.

"Is Jahan still sleeping?" Waqar Ahmad asked.

"No he's gone to office with Aarib." Zeeniya replied while taking the cup of tea.

"The weather is not good. How I'm going to shop?" Aabia said still looking out.

"Girl have patients." Robi said and all giggled while Aabia smiled too.

"Where are the twins?" Shams asked about Sameer and Shazam.

"Busy in playing games." Roshaane replied and all smiled.

"We'll start our shopping tomorrow. So be ready everyone." Zeeniya said and all ladies nodded while all men keep talking about themselves.

"Is Aarham..." Zeeniya's words stuck in her throat when she saw Aarham coming down from the stairs.

"Where is he going in this weather?" Hammad Ahmad asked and Zeeniya ran to him who was in rush.

"Where are you going Aarham? See the weather." Zeeniya said stopping to him.

"Mom its urgent. Don't stop me." He said while wearing his black blazer.

With a smile,he rushed out in the porch while she sighed because she could guess that where he was going.

"Crazy." She smiled and walked out.

"Drive carefully and make sure to bring my daughter in-law home." Zeeniya said looking at him who was getting in the car and he smilingly nodded.

He drove out and at the same time,it start raining. Zeeniya went in and keep praying for her son's happiness.

Mehak's POV.

With beating heart,I took the call. His name flashing on the screen was making my heart to beat fast while my eyes filled up with tears.

"Hello." I said as I received the call.

"Mehak." My eyes closed down on his voice.

"Aarham." My lips trembled with tears rolling down on my cheeks.

"I'm coming." On his words,my eyes snapped open and he cut the call.

I looked at my mobile and then I remember the words, he said.

He's coming.

I repeated the words he said and smiled.

"He's coming. Aarham is coming." Happiness was overloaded and I ran to mirror to see myself.

"My Aarham is coming." I was laughing and at the same time crying as I didn't know how to feel,what to feel and how to express the happiness I was feeling.

I took a red frock out and changes into it after washing my face. Combing my hair,I tie them half in a clip and rest of them were hanging on my back like he liked. Applying a pink lipstick,I was smiling like an idiot but I think love makes us idiot. The feelings were so beautiful that I couldn't stop myself from smiling.

I keep waiting for him and soon the rain started. It was heavily raining and my heart was praying for him. After an hour,I heard an horn making my heart to jump in my chest as I knew who's car's horn was this.

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