First Encounter II

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Ava entered the apartment only to find Sullivan, Nathan and Nora sitting around the table, a map in the middle. The rest of the room was dark, only a light on top of them were focusing on them.

"You guys don't look shady at all... What're you three musketeers up to?" The door clicked gently as she closed it and locked it.

"The question is, where have you been?" Nathan questioned, eyeing her as she sat down between Sullivan and Nora.

"At the bar, getting some money." Nora said flatly without taking a look at anyone, her eyes were only focused on the paper scattered on the table.

"You know me so well Nory." Ava grinned as she patted her best friend's shoulder.

"Did you get money at least?" Sullivan said as he puffed out his cigar smoke. "Hell yeah I did! 350 in one go!" Ava took out her money and slammed it on the table.

"Proud of ya kiddo." Sullivan said as he wrapped his arm around the girl's shoulder and nudged her gently.

"Well, are you not gonna tell her what we're up to Nathan?" Nora said.

"Well... We're planning on finding Henry Avery's treasure-" Before Nathan could continue to speak, Ava cuts in with excitement. "What?! No way!" She jumps up and jogged to the kitchen to grab four beers and placing it in front of each of them.

As Nathan began to explain the details again, Ava began to wonder how they'll get into Panama.

"That's easy." Ava started to chug on her beer as she eyed Nathan, listening contently. "Rafe Adler will get us in."

Ava's eyes widened as she choked on her beer and spat the rest. "Are you okay?!" Nathan said as he patted her back gently.

"Are you talkin' rich Rafe Adler?!" Ava was still coughing, gripping onto the table.

"Yeah... Why?" Nathan said looking at Sullivan for answers. "Ohhhh girl, you're dead." Nora whistled, side hugging Ava.

"This'll bite you back on the ass rather hard." Sullivan offered a comforting pat on her back as Ava stared at the table still wide eyed.

"Am I missing something here?!" Nathan asked the three in confusion.

"We don't need Rafe, I mean the four of us are smart enough to do this business on our own." Ava spent the last eight minutes arguing to not bring Rafe along. Although the reasons were unclear to Nathan, Sullivan and Nora knew why she was protesting the idea.

"Oh no kiddo, count me out. I'm not going to prison again. Its too much of a hassle. I'll support you kids by the out." Again, Sullivan puffed his cigar smoke.

"Okay then the three of us could do this on our own." Nora was in complete amusement as she watched the girl going all sorts of crazy.

"Actually, four of us, plus Rafe makes its five." Nathan said with a cheeky grin. "Four? Who is the other person?" Nora asked.

"Oh, did I forget to mention? My brother is coming along." Nathan said innocently.

"You have a brother?" Nora and Ava asked in unison.

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