The Cat Is Out Of The Bag

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Hey guys, I'm gonna do a major time skip and skip forward to where Rafe caught the four of them and from there, some part of the story will be changed. Hope you guys still love it :)

After all their fun adventures together, it had to come to an end. And of course the only person to stop it was Rafe and Nadine. What scared Ava the most that they were on a hill and she had a strong feeling that one of them will fall.

"Well, well, well, look who it is." Rafe said in amusement, pointing his gun at the four but mainly Ava.

"Sam...Nathan...Nora..." He said his words slowly, full of poison. Then, his venomous look landed on Ava. "Ava.." He said with a little bit of Lust and hate.

"Hello Rafey, long time no see. How's life?" She said while her palms were in the air, a forced smile on her face.

"Great, since I have leverage over you." Rafe said with a grin. Nadine who was beside Rafe, was very unamused; knowing that more talking that was happening, they were gonna lose more time.

Rafe stepped closer towards Ava, quickly, Sam pushed her slightly behind him protectively, a firm and serious glare placed on his face.

Rafe cackled at the sight in front of him. "You bought yourself a guard dog, hm Ava?" He said in a taunting tone.

"Back off." Sam said fiercely. The two continued bickering, Rafe pointed his gun to Ava's forehead and quickly, Sam grabbed Nadine. He pointed his own gun to her temple.

"Do it." Rafe pushed. "What! Are you crazy?!" Nadine was now in fear. "Sam, let her go." Nathan said from beside his brother.

"Come on do it!" Rafe pushed him more- Sam never blinked or looked away from Rafe, never looking away from his eyes.

Before Sam could pull the trigger, Nathan pushed away his hand. Luckily, the bullet didn't enter Nadine's brain.

She pushed away Sam and went back to Rafe's side. "You let him do it!" She said with anger. "I didn't think he would." Rafe replied casually.

"Look! We don't want any trouble, we just really need the treasure." Nora said, ending her quietness. "Come on Rafe, we really need it. I'll give you whatever you want...just let us have the treasure." Ava continued.

"Guys-" Sam was interrupted. "Sam really needs it- we have to get the treasure to pay Alcázar to save Sam's life." Nathan said.

"Nathan-" Again, Sam was interrupted by Rafe. "What're you talking about? Alcázar is dead." He chuckled slightly.

"No he isn't, he escaped prison and helped Sam escape too. Now, Sam owns him." Ava explained but only received laughter from Rafe.

"You lied to them?" Rafe said to Sam in amusement. Then, Rafe began to explain what really happened; how he bailed out Sam to find the treasure and how alcázar died in a shoot out, all while guilt was written on his face.

Nora was speechless and out of words, she remained quiet and radiated disappointment. Ava stared at Sam in anger, not believing that he would do such a thing. "Is it true Sam...?" She asked.

"Ava-" Once again, the man was interrupted. "Screw you Samuel." His heart dropped by Ava's words, she never really called him Samuel. He didn't like it.

"How could you do this!" Nathan began to scold Sam until they were interrupted by Rafe. Rafe cocked the gun towards Ava and that caught everyone's attention.

"I only really need Sam and Nathan right now, I'd love to keep you around Ava, for my own enjoyment but...we ended at a very bad term. Adios Ava." Before Sam or Nathan could react, or Rafe could pull the trigger, Nora leaped in front of Ava, the bullet grazed her arm.

But, Ava was knocked back and fell off the edge. However, Nora jumped after her. In mid air, Bora grabbed Ava's wrist and held onto a rock.

Ava have already hit her head harshly, she was no longer conscious. "C'mon!" Nora grunted in frustration, her hold on the rock was slipping.

The rock she held on for dear life, literally, started to crack. Once it finally broke, Nora too, hit her head against a rock and both girls tumbled down a sandy area (lucky for them) and fell on the ground.

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