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AUTHOR N: Alrighty! Where my Stranger Things fans at?
I was thinking of making a new story mainly involving Jim Hopper if you know what I mean and maybe I'll throw in some lovin' for Steve.
What do you guess think? Lemme know what u guys think about it and comment!


Five months ago, Nora and Nathan left the country and that's when Sam instinctively decided, on the spot, to move in with Ava.

At the suggestion, an instant smile grew on Ava's lips and teased the man, "do I have to clean up after you now?"

"If it means you'll spoil me like you spoil Felix...hell yeah, toots." Sam said as he lifted up Ava on the bed only to peck her lips.

When Sam first moved in, the two were only finding out about each other's habits that they never discovered before.

Sam stole pillows in his sleep. He'd snatch Ava's pillow and use it for his extra comfort, making Ava groan in irritation whenever he did it.

Ava, however, not only was she a blanket hog, but would allow Felix on the bed. The cat will jump on the bed at the middle of the night and meow for Ava's attention. She didn't mind, but it drove Sam crazy. Ava allowed the cat to cuddle her in her sleep but would sometimes push Sam away when Felix was present, which was almost always.

Sam became the chef in the house, Ava wasn't really great at cooking- there was a time where she tried cooking fried noodles and beef and Sam had to pretend that he wasn't choking majority of dinner.

With their difficulties in the beginning, they later understood how the other worked. Like when Ava could feel Sam twitching to grab her pillow, she'll immediately roll over to his side and grab his arm to wrap it around her waist.

And when Sam felt the little jump on the bed, he'll immediately cuddle Ava first so she wouldn't kick him away when Felix wanted his turn. In the end of that though, Felix still won as he found a way to squirm between them or just lay on top of Ava.

When it came to Ava pulling away the blanket off of Sam, he'd just carry on top of him for her to sleep- her head on his chest peacefully as he shared her body warmth and still had the blanket.

While Sam was roaming around, doing good knows what- Ava sat on the edge of the tub, nervously playing with the pregnancy test stick.

Lately, every morning she'd wake up with morning sickness. Her moods were changing rapidly in such a short amount of time that Sam was nervous majority of the time, not knowing when she'll explode on him for something so small.

Not only that though, it was her eating habits too. The weirdest combinations of food gave her pleasure and she found that ironic, because a few years back, she'd never eat the food she was combining at the moment.

Like the other day when Sam caught her eating pickles and peanut butter and last week when she dipped the strawberry in mayo and didn't find it revolting at all.

"Honey, daddy's home!" Sam said with a grin on his face and a playful glint in his eyes as he shut the door and kicked off his shoes.

When he sat on the sofa and saw Ava coming out of the bathroom with a panicked face, his cheerfulness disappeared, "baby? What's wrong?"

"S-Sam...I'm.." Ava continuously stuttered, making Sam nervous.

The man took big strides towards the woman and held her hand to at least reassure her, "it's alright, Avy. What's the matter?"

Ava took a deep breath as she shut her eyes before speaking, "Sam, I'm pregnant."

Ava thought that Sam would be devastated at the news, that he'd probably prefer if she would have an abortion and the two of them will continue their lives as if they were full of youth till the day they dropped dead.

But she never expected the man to boom in laughter and carry her as he twirled her around the living room.

Sam kissed Ava's face all over as he hugged her tightly, "you're n-not mad?"

"What, did you expect me to say abort the baby?" Sam said dropping her down to the floor.


"Ava no, it's you. It's our kid, I've never been happier." Sam locked his lips onto her, kissing her deeply.

"Ava, will you marry me?"

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