What Else Is There To Do In Panama Prison?

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What else is there to do in prison?

Well, simple. Getting into fist fights.

Ava had to watch Nora get into a fight that she could not sabotage by the command of her friend. Nora had enough with her cellmate and would do anything to not be in the same cell with him.


Nathan tensed up and was ready to help Nora but Ava held him back. "If she stays any longer in that cell, she's gonna go crazy. Her cellmate jerks himself to sleep."

Nathan and Ava watched the guards take Nora away to lock her up in a dark cell for a few days.

Nathan huffed frustratingly and tugged on his locks. A small smile emerged on Ava's lips as she knew why Nathan was all clustered.

"You fancy her, don't you?" Ava asked him as they both sat down. "Don't pretend you don't fancy my brother too."

"So you do fancy her?" Ava asked but got no reply from Nathan. "You know Nate, I take that as yes." She smirked wildly.

Sam approached the two and sat down, inhaling the smoke from his cigarette. "How many cigarettes did you get to hoard this time?" Nathan cheekily asked his brother.

"Enough to keep me pleased." Sam replied. "You know he could start his own business by how much cigarettes he has now, am I right?" Ava whispered to Nathan making the younger brother chuckle.

"What is that Scarlett? You say something Scarlett?" Sam said with an evil smile as he wiggled his eyebrows at Ava. Ava stared the man down but that only made him chuckle.

"Am I missing something here?" Nathan asked confused as he sat between the two. "Anyway..." Nathan quickly stood up and walked away before anything could escalate between the two.

"I still want my 350." Sam sang only annoying Ava. Luckily for Sam, Ava wasn't feeling well. So she let it slip.

Sam quickly took notice of how pale she became. "How are you feeling now?"

"Peachy." She replied flatly.

"Say, how did you and my little brother meet?" Sam asked curiously.

"Through Sullivan actually." Ava replied simply.

"Damn Sullivan. He isn't trust worthy." Sam shook his head, whispering to himself. But Ava heard every word.

She stood in front of him and pointed her index finger at him. "You. Will. Not. Disrespect. Sullivan." She said as her expression fell.

"At least not in front me. He is trust worthy. He only took me in as a kid, and has been there my whole life. How dare you." She said in an angry tone and scoffed.

It really did take Sam by surprised, he didn't know that the relationship between the two was more than business.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know." Sam said apologetically. He immediately felt stupid that he had said such things, which was rare for the man.

"Well now you do." That was the last thing Ava ever said to him before she stormed off.

It was already lights out and Sam was instantly thrown in his cell. Once he was in, Ava was already there.

She sat on her bed and had her knees up to her chin while she crossed her arms on it and laid her head by the support of her arms.

Sam felt guilty about what he said earlier, he slowly approach the girl and sat beside her. "Hey, I didn't mean to offend you. I'm really sorry... I-I don't know what I was thinking."

"Its alright, I over reacted too." She finally looked up at him and without thinking, he gently pushed her head to lean on his shoulder.

Again, another fist fight.

Weeks after Nora was released, Nathan decided to have a little fun of his own.

The inmates crowded Nathan and his opponent, but as soon as it began it ended with the guards pulling the two away.

"What an idiot." Rafe said as he stood between Nora and Ava.

"Speak for yourself." Ava scoffed while rolling her eyes.

"May I have a word with Ava?" Rafe demanded Nora. She looked at him up and down and decided to leave to Sam.

"You know, we can do this all over again." Rafe said as he dug his fingers in his pockets. "Excuse me?" Ava faced him, crossing her arms.

"Well, we can continue where we left our relationship."

"Are you serious right now?" Ava said in disbelief. "I fucking despise you." She scoffed and turned around to walk away.

But before she could, he grabbed her wrist and pulled her back. Instantly Rafe noticed Sam was looking and he was ready to pounce along with Nora.

"I guess you got yourself a guard dog." He commented rudely with a grin and let her go. He watched Ava go to Nora and Sam as they huddled around her.

"We'll see one day you'll come running like a dog back to your master." He grinned and whispered to himself.

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