A Moment

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"Easy on the civilians Nathan." Sam said after he watched his brother knock out a waiter pretty hard. Nathan continued on his own way to shut off the electricity while Ava and Sam dragged the unconscious waiter where he came from.

"Now, its time to find you a waitress." Sam gave Ava a half smirk. On time, a waitress appeared out of the corner and as her eyes landed on her unconscious friend, she shrieked.

Quickly, Ava knocked her out with one blow and laid her gently on the floor. "Right on time." Ava whispered and patted the girl.

Before Ava was to strip, she awkwardly tried to hide away from Sam's eyes. He removed his shirt and she witnessed the three shots he took in Panama, quickly all the memories came flooding back.

"Like what you see?" Sam said as he wiggled his brows, Ava ignored his comment and walked towards him slowly. She brushed her fingers on the bullet scars that was on Sam's abs.

"Sometimes I can't believe you're back. Its almost surreal.." She whispered, still eyeing his scars. He moved closer to her body to break the space and began to rub her upper arms.

"Are you glad...that I'm back here?" Sam asked, hoping for a good answer. "Yes.." Ava said looking up to him and locking eyes.

He moved her hair out of her face and tucked it behind her ear as he gave her the most genuine smile. "I'm glad I'm back here. With you."

"Can you two love birds put your love talk on hold? I need you two right now. Rafe is here." Sullivan interrupted them through their ear piece.

"We are on our way." Ava said, moving away from Sam and changing her clothes behind boxes where Sam can't look.

After they were done changing, Sam looked at her dress on the floor disappointed. "Oh I'm gonna miss this red dress." He sighed making Ava roll her eyes while smiling to herself.

"Hey, by the way, did you get this dress for 350? By any chance was it my money too?" Sam said as he smirked.

"Shut up Sam Drake."

The lights all went out, and Sam went to steal the ornament. Quickly, Ava opened the door for them for their escape. At the edge of her eyes, she saw Rafe shouting but was being cornered.

"Sully, go and get the car." Ava said while squeezing his shoulder. "I'm on it kiddo." With that, he left his own way to bring the car at the front.

"Im so glad I'm doing all this running without my dress." She said to Sam as she took cover. "Oh don't remind me about that dress and break my heart, I miss it." He sighed.

Sam and Ava were doing great at hiding themselves to escape, until Nathan got himself caught. Both of them followed the noise of the gunshots and witnessed Nathan hanging on a huge gold ornament that stuck on the wall.

Sam threw the gun towards Nathan and he caught it successfully. Sam informed him that the car was at the front and we were all to meet there.

Sam and myself went our separate ways to avoid getting caught, he disagreed with my separating ourselves idea but I didn't wait for him to approve of it.

On my way to the front, I sneaked on the men without getting caught and reached in Sullivan's car safely.

Now it was our turn again to wait for the brothers.

Currently we were at the hotel and we all made it safely back. "Its empty." Sam said gasping. All of us were disappointed until Sam pulled out a small paper out of the cross.

"I'm just messing with you guys." Sam chuckled as Nathan hit his brother on the shoulder. "That wasn't funny."

Nathan glanced over at Sullivan and Sullivan shook his head. "Don't look at me, he's your brother."

The four of them began to discuss about finding the next step closer to the treasure and they all knew where they were going.

Nathan's phone buzzed and vibrated on the table, it was Nora. "Hey honey!" He picked up his phone. "Oh Ava and I are fine, we are doing great." After five minutes of talking on the phone with Nora, Ava couldn't help but feel confused.

The moment he ended the call, Ava spoke up. "You and I, are fine?" She questioned. "About that... I told Nora that you and I... are on the business trip in Malaysia."

"You what!?" Ava got up quickly and Nathan quickly jumped on the bed. "I'm sorry, I just needed back up, kind of."

Ava quickly grabbed a pillow and jumped on Nathan, hitting him. It gave Sullivan and Sam the entertainment they needed.

"Nathan Drake I will kill you!"

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