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Five years later...

Who were to guess that Nora and Nathan would end up marrying each other? In all honesty, Ava thought that Nathan would tie the knot with Elena.

Nora couldn't deal with the pressure of keeping her feelings to herself so she took actions in her own hands, she exploded in front of Nathan and admitted her feelings. Although after she did the courages move, she ran for it making Nathan chase after him.

It was like a scene out of a movie Ava thought.

For Ava, it was lonely. She never knew she would be this lonely one day, sulking in her apartment while hugging her pillow and a heavy feeling was in her chest.

She tried going back to her normal routine, flirting with men in the bar and stealing their money afterwards. But she couldn't bring herself to do it. It felt wrong.

Nora and Nathan knew exactly why, but they decided not to bring it up. There was no point in bringing the topic back. It was too difficult.

So what Ava always did was go to her boring job and at dinner time, Nathan and Nora always invited her for dinner. The couple noticed how Ava stopped caring about herself till the point that she forgot to eat.

Nathan understood her silent suffering. She suffered even when she didn't know it herself. There was no other significant other for Ava, only him.

Nora would notice how much her best friend would hide her emotions completely, laughing and joking and acting happy. But Nora accidentally caught her friend sulking in her room, her face in her palms while she cried silently.

Nora wouldn't tell Ava to get over it, she knew that it was difficult. She couldn't imagine loosing Nathan at all.

So out of boredom, loneliness and to occupy her mind, Ava would seldom visit zoos, the library or botanical gardens. And she didn't know why she picked those places in particular.

Currently she finished her job and drove back to her home. Her home faced the beach and in her opinion it was big for her. She was the only one living there. But she loved waking up in the morning and hearing the waves crash into the shore.

But she was all alone.

10 years later...

With Ava getting better in how she handled her emotions, unexpected things were about to happen. Nora decided to go on a business trip to Budapest, while the three decided to leave their adventure days behind them.

It was difficult but it had to be done.

While Nora was in Budapest, Ava had to take care of Nathan this time; making him food and help him clean the house and most importantly give him company since Nora would be gone for a long time.

At work, she felt uneasy, as if someone was watching her. She looked around to catch the "stalker" but couldn't find anyone.

It was like someone was creating a hole in the back of her head from the constant stare of the unknown person.

Even when she left to the bar to have some beer on her own without the company of someone else, she still felt the uneasy feeling.

She couldn't put her finger on it, so she hopped on her motorcycle and sped home.

She locked all her windows, balcony's and doors in super speed and went to bed; wearing only her black lacy underwear with an oversized jumper, since the weather was getting colder.

She forced herself to sleep but her sleep was interrupted after two hours.

There was rustling in her room, and sounds of footsteps, while the wooden floor creaked under the intruder's feet. She laid still, breathing normally, trying not to get the intruder's attention.

As the intruder's shadow fell upon her, she opened her eyes in a blink and kicked him in the stomach, pulling him on the bed and pinning him down. Everything happened so quickly that she did not take in who he was.

The man chuckled, pushing her away and landing her on the bed, hovering over her and pinning her down. "Look at you, stronger than before." Ava's anger quickly dropped and was replaced with utter shock. "W-What? H-How?"

"It's me Ava, I'm back." Sam said, with a small smile and twinkly eyes. "N-No... You're not his ghost are you?" Sam laughed at her in amusement. "I must be dreaming. Pinch me." She shut her eyes tightly while Sam took the opportunity to take in her details.

Her long silky hair, her smooth thighs, her legs that was intertwined with his legs slightly, what she was wearing and how she still never changed. She remained beautiful. And Sam never knew it was possible for her to even be more beautiful.

Again, she took his breath away again, like the first day he saw her in the bar.

He gently pinched her neck with his index finger and thumb and she slowly opened her eyes as she exhaled. "Sam...?" She said almost in a whisper.

"The one and only." He said with a grin. "Oh my god! Sam!" She quickly leaped on the man, throwing him aback. "Oh my god it really is you!" She hugged him tighter as she sat on his lap and wrapped her legs around her torso.

"I need to breath you know that, right?" He said in delight, hugging her back and smelling her hair.

"Shut up." She said taking a good look at him. "I thought you were gone. Nathan, Nora and I looked for you. We contacted everyone." She said so quickly that Sam had to stop her.

"Avy... We did kill a guard and I was the only one to pay for it. So they patched me up and threw me back into that cell." Sam said as he wrapped his arms around her waist as she sat on his lap.

"Sam... I'm so sorry." Ava said in complete guilt.

The girl took in his appearance, his faced matured and it wasn't a bad thing. His hair grew longer and she noticed a tattoo of flying birds on his neck, without meaning to, she grazed her finger tips on it. Quickly, there was a smile placed on the man's lips as he watched the girl.

"I need to tell you something, princess..." Sam quickly explained to Ava about his trouble with Vargas and how they were to get Henry Avery's treasure. Ava completely agreed without thinking twice.

"we'll get you out of this, alright?" She said to him before hugging him again. "Don't worry." She whispered to him.

"Well I best get going." Sam was half way out of her house but before he could leave, she grabbed him by the wrist. "W-Why don't you stay, for the night at least?" She said hesitantly. However, to Sam he never hesitated one bit, as if it was his plan to stay over the night.

"Alright." He quickly made his own bed in the couch and Ava went to sleep upstairs. Although, the whole time Ava was restless, she kept tossing and turning. A creak of her door was heard as Sam opened the door slowly after some time.

"Are you... Are you awake?" He asked as he leaned on the door. "No." She replied from under the blanket. He approach the woman in her bed while waltzing towards her, he leaned down and smiled, pulling away her blanket to look at her face.

"Do you mind, if I share your bed?" He asked in a whisper. Quickly, Ava scooted over giving him some space. "No, no I don't." She said giving him her back, only she found his arms wrapped around her waist, his chin in the crook of her neck.

"I missed you."

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