A Rabbit In My Chest

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Ava moaned in displeasure as she woke up with a slight headache, she found herself tucked in properly in her bed making her furrow her brows in confusion.

Only then did she remember it was probably Sam who tucked her in bed, she jumped out of her bed making her wheeze slightly at the sudden sharp pain in her head. Sam was in the kitchen in fact, preparing the woman some breakfast while Felix was at the window, watching the beautiful scenery it offered.

"G'morning, baby girl. About time you woke up!" Sam spoke while he tucked the cigarette tightly between his lips so it wouldn't fall, "actually, its afternoon. But I'm still making you pancakes." Sam snickered as he placed the plate in front of her.

The pink apron Sam was wearing made Ava smile for a moment, "where'd you sleep?"

A devilish grin grew on Sam's face while he leaned on the counter, closer to her, "I actually slept in your bed. Your body is rather warm when you sleep, very warm."


"I'm just kidding. I slept on the sofa, little Felix over there used me as a bed." The cat turned its head when its name was called, upon seeing Ava, it jumped to the floor and meowed, making its way to its owner.

Felix rubbed its chin and cheeks on Ava's legs, swerving in between her legs, "listen doll, I gotta tell you somethin'."

"Did I do something stupid last night?" Ava was ready to slam her face on her pancake just so she didn't have to face Sam.

"Actually...I'm afraid so, sweetheart. You kinda went naked and danced from table to table."


"I'm kidding!" Sam giggled, receiving a slap on the arm from Ava, "actually, it was beside that..umm, well, yesterday after you got drunk, I asked you to take a seat for you to calm down...you sat on my lap."

Ava knew where this was going, she hated herself. She groaned loudly as Sam continued, "you asked me if I liked you, doll."

This instantly caught Ava's attention, her palm became sweaty and her heart started to hammer in her chest, "what did you s-say?"

Sam licked his lips and ran his fingers thru his hair before answering, "I said...I was in love with you."

Ava's mouth gaped as she could clearly hear her heart drumming in her ears, she searched Sam's eyes for any dishonesty but he was dead serious.

"Sam...are you really-"

"Yes, I am. Usually, I never really fell in love with girls, only their bodies. I loved women really, they're amazing-"

"Okay, shut up!" Ava said as she abandoned the pancakes and a needy Felix. She walked towards Sam and pulled him by the shirt towards her.

"Are you actually serious? You're in love with me?" Ava asked as her heart continued to drum.

"Yes. I'm in love with you, Ava. As cliche as it'll sound, I think I'll forever be in love with you." Sam said with a nervous smirk on his face.

A smile that could rip Ava's cheeks apart suddenly jumped on Sam, wrapping her arms around his neck, taking him off guard. He instantly caught her and held her up by grabbing her thighs.

"I love you too, Sam." Ava said as she crashed her lips on Sam's lips, Sam pulled her in closer, the both of them smiling as they smooched each other.

When Ava pulled away so suddenly, Sam was disappointed, "even though you can be a real asshole sometimes."

"Okaaayyy, I'll just pretend you didn't say that. Let's not kill the mood shall we?" Sam placed Ava on the kitchen counter, deepening the kiss while her legs wrapped around his waist.

His fingers tugged at her hair as his lips traveled down to her neck, making her moan at his tongue caressing her soft spot, often tugging her skin with his teeth.

Before both of them could go any further, Felix meowed loudly but he was ignored, after a few seconds, the doorbell echoed throughout the house.

"Amigos!" Nathan called from behind the door, making Sam groan loudly.

"That son of a bitch- always a cock block!"

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