A Trip To Memory Lane

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Alrighty, this chapter is gonna be about Nora and Ava's childhood. I wanted to show you guys a little bit about their true friendship and personalities while they were unconscious. Enjoy!

"Happy birthday Norty! You're finally 16!" Ava leaped on her friend from the back, making her lose her balance.

Before Nora could reply, Ava spoke excitedly. "Lets do something fun, like..." The girl began to think.

"Like...?" Nora cocked her brow and tucked her arms under her chest. "Like what stupid teenagers would do. Heck, lets do something stupid for once, I haven't done that since we left the orphanage." Ava said.

"Well, I'm in." Nora said with a grin, making Ava overly excited.

Nora and Ava ran for their lives; Ava was laughing while Nora was running in fear. "Was this your idea of fun!? Stealing!?" Nora was running out of breath.

They both ran towards a building and started to climb. "Hey, he looked rich- I'm pretty sure he has enough to support himself. Besides, I only took 500 dollars." Ava shrugged at the memory of herself pick pocketing a rich old looking guy.

Ava helped Nora up the ladder to the roof, they both laid down and watched the stars. "What're you gonna do with the money anyway?" Nora asked; she always knew that Ava stole money but she never really knew what she did with it.

She always see her stealing but never saw any material coming out of it- the money was always gone with nothing in return. "I always see the money you steal, but I have no clue what you do with it."

"You wanna know the truth?" Ava asked and Nora nodded. "I give em to the homeless; like Crazy Joe." She confessed.

"What're you? Robin Hood?" Nora teased her friend. "He deserves it." Ava said with a gentle smile on her face.

The two stayed quiet and watched the bright stars, until, Nora decided to break the silence. "Where do you dream of going? I know you don't feel at home here."

"I dream of living in Cuba, just away from all this hectic business." Ava sighed and then continued. "What about you?" She asked her friend.

"Well, I dream of traveling to different places with a husband. I wanna settle down with children." Ava snorted at her friend's response. "Ew, you wanna get married?"

"Whats wrong with that?!" Nora became defensive. "Oh nothing dream lover- lets go for ice-cream, c'mon." The two climbed down the ladder and walked down the block- until, two hands grabbed by the shoulder.

"Now you kids might be fast but never turn your back quickly and think your victim or enemy isn't behind you when you steal his money." The man that Ava stole from was right in front of them.

He calmly lit his cigar while the two were nervous. "What do you want old man! We already spent your money!" Nora said nervously, not meeting his eyes.

"Now thats an absolute lie." The man said.

His eyes everted to Ava, a pleasant smile on his lips appeared instantly making the girls more nervous. "Now you kiddo, have good pick pocketing skills that I'd like to develop. How bout you two work for old uncle Sullivan?"

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