Oh Boy, We're Definitely Lost

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"Wake up- Ava, c'mon." Nathan shook Ava harshly. "Please, please, please, please, don't be dead. Oh god, don't be dead. No, no, no!" Nathan began to freak out and the first solution in his head was to perform CPR.

Before he could do it, Ava woke up- stunned by his closeness. "Oh my god you're alive!" He kissed her cheeks and hugged her tightly as she coughed. "What're you doing, Nathan!"

"Wait...what happened?" She questioned the relieved man- he helped her up and only then did she notice her surrounding; what was left of their boat was scattered all over, their supplies were soaked wet along with their food and there was a storm.

"Well we crashed and lost Sam and Nora." Nathan answered with disappointment in his voice. "Jesus, Nathan. C'mon we gotta go find them." She pulled him along.

It was dark and the flickering light that was caused by the lightning didn't even make it easier for them. Ava is usually afraid of thunder- she'd hide under the blankets and shiver, but this time, she didn't have the time to be a coward, she needed to find Sam and Nora.

The two began to climb the slippery and wet rocks- Nathan almost slipped a couple of times along with Ava, the two moved as slowly as they could.

Until, a rock broke under Ava's grasp, bringing her down with it. "Ava!" Nathan called, reaching out to grab her. Fortunately, the fall couldn't have killed her, it wasn't very high. But, she injured her knee badly, scraping off her skin and blood was coming out like waterfalls.

"Avy!" Nathan climbed down and rushed to her side. "Are you okay?!" He asked before inspecting her injury.

"I'm wet as a god damn miserable cat that was forced to take a bath by its owner- its so cold that I think my boobs are gonna snap off! Do I look okay to you?" She clenched her fists through the pain as she scolded Nathan.

"Okkkaaayy, I'm gonna take that as a simple no." He quickly ripped apart of his shirt and wrapped it around her knee, hoping it would at least help a little.

Sam dug his finger in his chest pocket pulling out his packet of cigarettes. "Oh man, they're all wet." He said in disappointment, throwing them away.

"Oh my god, we lost em." Nora panicked and wrapped her fingers around Sam's collar. "Woah, woah, lets calm down alright, we'll find them." He tried to reassure the woman but she wasn't having it.

"Calm down?! What do you mean calm down! What if one of them are badly injured!" She shouted still grabbing onto his collar.

"Look Nora- we'll find them. We won't find them if we keep this up, we have to look for them." He said as he gently removed her hands from him.

She sighed, taking in the man's words- she knew he was right. "Do you think they're okay?" She said looking at the ground, her voice held weakness. Everyone knew one thing about Nora; if she cared about someone, she cared deeply for them. Nathan, Sam and Ava knew that family is important to her, and they were her family.

"Nora- I know they're okay. C'mon." He gave her a reassuring smile and slapped her back a couple of times before leading the way.

"Its been a whole god damn freaking day. Do you think we'll find them?" Ava said beside Nathan as they walked deeper into the moist jungle.

"Of course we will! How big can this place be! Pfft." He scoffed and shrugged, only to receive a glare from Ava.

"Did you- did I just hear you say that? 'How big can it be?'" She judged him- his comment was rather idiotic. "I know, I'm sorry I thought it was gonna make things better." He answered shyly.

"How thoughtful of you, Nathan." She replied sarcastically.

As they continued their way silently, Nathan began to fidget, huff to himself and rush faster. His actions didn't go unnoticed of course. "I know you're worried about them, they'll be fine." Ava reassured him, placing a hand on his shoulder as they both stood next to each, looking around for another direction.

Before Nathan could reply, hands were wrapped around their mouth to keep them quiet.

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