Under The Stars

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"Are we getting in Panama prison or what?" Ava asked furiously as she crossed her arms over her chest, eyeing Rafe.

"It'll take about a month. Then, we're in." Rafe stared her down, taking a chug of his beer.

"Are you sure?" Ava pointed a finger at him. "Yes I'm sure, why wouldn't I be?" Rafe said back, offended.

Sam, Nathan and Nora watched as the two bickered at each other back and forth. At first it was amusing, but it got annoying rather quickly.

They were currently sitting at their booth in the usual bar they would meet in, drinking their beer.

Ava decided she had enough from Rafe, she grabbed her leather jacket and stood up. "I'm leaving for some ice cream, anyone want some?"

"I'll come with." Sam offered as he stood up and followed the girl out the bar. "We're taking my motorcycle. Hop on princess."

The two were sat in a booth, next to the window eating their ice cream in a vintage diner. Sam watched as the woman ate her ice cream angrily, but he couldn't help it when it brought a smile to his face.

She was cute when she was angry. Cliche, but it was true.

"Why does he have to come with us?" She spoke her thoughts out loud as she dug into her ice cream angrily.

"You gotta admit he is helpful, you know." Sam said watching her.

"Shut up Samantha." She said, looking out the window.

"Woah, woah, woah, what did you just call me?" He chuckled loudly. "I said shut up Samantha."

"Well, you're rather harsh, doll face." He took a bite of his chocolate ice cream. "Don't call me that." She said firmly.

"Well you called me Samantha didn't you? If I couldn't call you doll face but you could call me Samantha, that would just makes you a hypocrite." Sam leaned in, staring into her hazel eyes.

"Because Samantha fits you." She said, also leaning in. "Then, doll face fits you. Doll face." A mischievous grin was placed on the man's lips.

"Shut up."

"Doll face."

"I don't have a doll face!"

"Sure you do. You got that plump rosy lips, pinkish cheeks, long eyelashes and the amazing hair." Sam grinned wildly, taking in her appearance.

She raised a brow. "Are you flirting with me mr Drake?" And a small smile appeared on her glossy lips.

"Well miss Black, I thought I was Samantha to you."

"You know, for someone so small, you do eat a lot." Sam watched as the girl ate five donuts in a row as they sat in a building's roof watching the stars.

"My body, my business." She said with her mouth full of donuts.

"The girls I usually meet, are too scared to even touch their food." He chuckled. "Even if it was a strawberry."

"I wonder what kind of skanky girls you went out with." She mumbled, taking a bite of her glazed donut.

"Well you know, a little bit of this and that." He grinned, watching her finishing her donut.

"Say, how did you and Rafe meet?" Sam asked. "If you don't mind me asking."

It took a moment before she answered Sam, but before he could apologize for asking, she spoke.

"It was at a rich friend's party, I needed some money to support Nora and myself so I was in for some business deals. Rafe approached me first." She said taking a swig of her beer.

"He was charming and I was stupid back then. I wasn't truly aware of how men could be sometimes, plus he was older by a few years." She confessed, looking away from Sam.

"I really did like him but, later on he truly showed that he was a class A asshole." She paused. "Then he showed me his true identity."

Ava laid down and pulled Sam beside her to lay down. "Aren't they beautiful? The stars?" She said while yawning.

"Yeah." At that moment, Sam wasn't looking up at the stars, he was looking in her eyes. As if her eyes trapped the stars and made their own galaxy.

For a moment she closed her eyes and Sam quickly remembered what Nora warned him about.

"Oh no, Ava. Wake up." He shook her shoulder but it didn't budge the girl. "Nora told me you were more dangerous sleepy than drunk." He leaned forward still shaking her.

Ava fluttered her eyes only to see Sam breaking the space between them as he tried to wake her, half of his side on her.

"C'mon don't fall asleep until we get you home." She completely ignored what he told her and small smile was on her face.

"You smell like cinnamon... And nicotine." He chuckled. He lifted himself off of her and carried her to his motorcycle.

"Now hold tight, I don't want you to fall and crack your skull." He said as they were both seated. "Mhm.." She answered sleepily.

Sam wasn't expecting her to wrap her arms around his waist and lay her head on his back. She would always hold the metal piece behind for support.

For a moment his heart skipped a beat. He just met this girl, and she was like no other. It sounded as if he was coming out of a cheesy romantic movie, but that's how he felt.

A small smile was on his face and he began to drive off to send her home.

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