Booby Traps, revenge and disappointment

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The three girls tried their best to avoid freaky, crazy traps and scenes. For most part, the three were huddled together, trying to make it alive.

"Watch out!" Elena pulled back Ava as she walked to a dark corner, not seeing the exploding trap. The two fell on the floor when it exploded- they were helped up by Nora.

"Well that one hell of a booby trap." Ava said as she brushed off dirt from her clothes.

"Are you really gonna joke at this moment? About booby traps?" Elena was unimpressed by Ava's joke. "Come on its funny. Its boob-y." Nora said, receiving chuckles from Ava and a loud sigh from Elena.

"C'mon this way." Elena led the two again, and soon, they were out of the dungeon and into the light- where Nathan and Sam were escaping.

Elena, Ava and Nora fought their way through trying to reach the 2 men, they fired their pistols at shoreline and slowly they were reunited with them.

Nathan quickly went to Nora and cupped her cheeks. "Are you okay?" Nathan asked, his voice held concern and it was written all over his face. Nora nodded, "Are you okay?" This time it was her turn to ask her husband.

Nathan nodded and pecked her lips, hugging her tightly. Unfortunately, it didn't last for long, they had to shoot and defend themselves.

Ava watched the two from afar with delight- her back against a wall, crouching. As Sam approached her, she instantly felt agitated and mad, she quickly ran to the top blindly.

A shoreline man grabbed her from the side, he wanted to stab her in the side but she quickly held his wrist. In seconds, she felt her strength on his grip loosened- Elena headshot the man from the front, making Ava impressed.

"I got your back!" Elena told her and quickly Ava replied, "I got yours too."

Nora and Nathan had their own mess to deal with while Sam, Elena and Ava were given the opportunity to run.

They were running back to meet Sullivan.

Elena stood with Sullivan, speaking about a topic Ava wasn't interested in, Ava and Sam stood separately away from each other.

Ava tried to avoid Sam, but he wasn't having it. It was the right time to talk to her- they were waiting for Nora and Nathan to show up.

As Ava's attention was on the pebbles, Sam approached her, holding her wrist gently so she wouldn't walk away.

"Ava- Avy, listen, I'm sorry-" Ava didn't give the man a chance to continue his words. "You're a selfish man, Samuel." She said calmly, making Sam more nervous. She called him Samuel too.

Even though she said her words calmly, her eyes told a different story.

Nora and Nathan showed up and Ava removed her wrist from his grip. "Leave me alone." She told him and walked away, leaving him devastated.

Nathan and Nora convinced Sam that the treasure wasn't worth it and he obliged. Ava was surprised- she felt like he wasn't being honest.

The group made an elevator work to get to the other side again, when Ava was standing with Sam- it broke.

"I'm sorry guys...I have to.." Sam said before taking off for his treasure. "Sam!" Ava shouted and ran after him.

"What an idiot! I swear when I get you Sam! You'll see! I'll kick your ass till you say amen!" She shouted angrily and huffed loudly in frustration.

She ran after Sam to the dock, and swam after him and got on the ship. She continued to run after him until they reached the room with Avery's treasures.

The two were silent, observing all the treasures around them. It shined and sparkled, as if it were calling their names.

A creek sound from behind them caught their attention- they quickly turned to find Rafe. "Ugh, I have to deal with this one-" She pointed at Sam. "And now you? Ugh, gimme me a break." She said the last part to herself, but it was loud enough for them to hear.

In one fast motion, Ava found herself locked in Rafe's arms, his gun to her temple. "Let her go Rafe!" Sam said, becoming defensive.

"Oh please.." Ava rolled her eyes, kicking Rafe in his private area and threw a punch. She thought she got him until he swinged his gun and hit her temple roughly.

She fell to the floor and that was the last thing she remembered.

When Ava woke up from the heat- she realized the ship was on fire, Sam was under a big log and he was unconscious.

Beside her, Rafe and Nathan were fighting with swords and Nathan didn't look like he was doing too good. She quietly grabbed a smaller log and swinged it across Rafe's head.

"How does that feel asshole?" She hit him again in the stomach with her feet. Nathan held onto her to get up. "C'mon we gotta go." He told her and the two rushed to Sam.

This time, he was awake. Nathan and Ava tried to move the log but it wasn't working. "You yourselves...just lemme go, I'm no use-" Sam's words ended abruptly by a smack to the face from Ava.

"Don't be a bitch Samuel." She told him. She turned around to see Nathan pushing a cannon andshe instantly helped him. They fired beside Sam and he was free.

They entered the hole and swam under the ship. Then, they swam away from the ship and swam towards Sully's plane.

As they landed back to Madagascar on the docks, it was time to say their goodbyes. Sam congratulated Nora for getting married to his little brother, he never had the opportunity to say something nice and now he did.

"So, where to kiddo?" Sullivan interrupted Ava's thoughts. "Somewhere I've been wanting to go to for a very long time." She half smiled.

Sullivan side hugged her and blew out his cigar. "Need a ride?"

"I think I can manage." She hugged him properly this time. "I love you Sully." She kissed his cheek. "I do too kiddo."

Ava said her goodbye to Elena and Nathan. It took 20 minutes to say her goodbye to Nora- Nora felt that she wouldn't see her friend in a long time, she was gonna go away for a long time and Nora didn't know how she felt about it.

As Sam approached Ava, wanting to apologize and kiss her, Ava said her goodbye and left.

Ava needed a time alone, she needed to do this. She wanted to go to that place for a long time, she longed for a place she never went to. It was time for her to do this.

To Be Continued

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