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Ava Black was only fifteen when her father killed a man and was sent to prison. She wasn't too sad about it as her father was the cause of her mother's suicide, and all the beatings she received throughout her life.

She had no relatives to live with, instead of trying to find if she did or not, they just threw her in an orphanage.

Along with the unwanted kids.

Ava gripped tightly on her sleeved jacket as the rest of the kids stared at her. She tried to cover her face with her short brown hair as she looked down onto her untied shoelaces belonging to her converse shoes.

As her care taker showed her around places, Ava wasn't paying much attention. The blonde woman settled her down with a few of her dorm mates and left her to be.

The rest of the girls were pointing fingers at Ava as she settled on the bed, still staring at her shoes.

Suddenly a girl approached her, hand sticking in her face. "I'm Nora Jones, your name?" The girl said.

"A-Ava Black..." She took the girl's hand in hers, shaking her hand with a small smile on her face.

"You know Ava... Can I call you Avy? Anyway Avy, you know you gotta toughen up here. These kids don't play nice." Nora said sitting beside her on her bed.

"They call me darky, sometimes midnight, just because my complexion is different." Nora continued.

"That's not nice.." Ava said glancing at the other two girls who were supposed to be their roommates. "What got you in here? I-If you don't mind me asking?" Ava countered the girl gently, hoping not to pressure her or make her feel uncomfortable.

"Well, daddy died by murder and mother got all sorta kinda crazy, and now I'm here." Nora replied back as if it didn't bother her at all.

"I'm so sorry to hear that..." Ava said. "Daddy was messin' with the wrong people. He never treated me nice, beat me up all day long if he got the chance." Nora confessed.

After that night, the girls bonded as if they were family. As the two found each other, the two became inseparable. They would cause chaos within the orphanage and would get into trouble most of the time.

As they began to have some criminal activity, and had a bigger knowledge of adventure sense, they were both thrown out of the orphanage by the age of seventeen.

Still, the two managed to stick together throughout hard times as they began to blossom with their criminal activities when they bumped into a man named Victor Sullivan.

In the man's entire life, he had never seen two people like those two. How they were practically sisters, defending each other when they were in a tight position, the support that they give each other. Sullivan could go on for days listing down how the two were great, but he didn't have enough time.

With no second thoughts, he quickly hired the girls to work for him. More time with the business, the three became like family. The two girls became the children he never had, while the two girls saw him as a father.

A few years later, the girls were introduced to Nathan Drake, who has been working with Victor. Instantly, the three clicked and they worked with each other perfectly.

The girls' work became flawless until one day, Ava decided to steal from a business man. Luckily she didn't get caught but suspicions were raised.

The girls got enough money to live in their ow apartment, which pleased Sullivan. He loved them dearly, but sometimes he needed a quiet time alone; but the girls were always loud as they laughed as if there was no tomorrow.

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