We're Sorry!

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Ava drove the jeep wrangler as fast as she could; she pressed on the gas with all her weight, hoping she would reach Sam in time. "Nathan! There's a road block!" She said nervously. "Just keep going, I have a plan." Nathan said from beside her.

The thing is, after they figured the puzzles; Rafe called and he managed to track Sam down. Now, they were chasing after him in motorcycles.

Nathan managed to successfully hook his line to the truck that was below the bridge they were on- Ava was nearing the road block so she stepped on the breaks and almost hit it.

Nathan went flying out of the car and held on to dear life on the rope. "Oh god..." She said to herself as Nathan managed to quickly climb up the rope and went on the roof of the truck, shooting at the men who were targeting his brother.

Now all she could do was drive back to Sully and wait patiently for their return.

Ava was a nervous wreck as she sat on the hood of the car- Sullivan leaning on it. Her feet tapped against the bumper furiously, "Its been hours, what if something happened to them?" Sullivan sighed and placed his hand on her knee.

"Listen kiddo, they'll be fine." He wasn't even sure they were; they've been gone for a long time, they haven't even called or texted and there were too many men against the two of them.

Ava started to bite on her lower lip, what if the two of them were in deep trouble and she wasn't there to help? Many thoughts were running in her head and a rumbling of a car stopped it.

"Told you." Sullivan said as he walked towards the car Nathan and Sam came out of- Ava pushed herself off the hood and slapped Sam's forearm a couple of times.

"You two had me worried! What took you guys so long!" She huffed and stumped her feet making Nathan chuckle. "You look like a squirrel doing that." Nathan said.

"Why you little-" This time, Ava slapped his forearm continuously as Nathan laughed. The 4 went into their motel room only to find something, they never expected to find.

"Care to explain yourself?" Her arms were crossed tightly on her chest and her brow was raised. Nathan thought that the look on her face was like the face of an angry lioness- or the face of Ava when she didn't get food.

"Oh my! Its such a pleasant surprise!" Ava said clapping her hands with a nervous laughter. "Surprise." Nora said flatly.

"How was the Malaysia job, hm?" Sam and Sullivan stood awkwardly in the background while Ava and Nathan were being taunted by Nora. "Oh, uh..." Nathan started to stutter.

"You two! Lied to me!" Nora said, "You four are trying to get to Avery's treasure without me?!" She said in disbelief.

"Honey- look I didn't know if you would have gotten back into this life style, I mean-" She gave Nathan a loud exhale.

"Nathan Drake don't you honey me! All you could've done is asked- look, even Sam is back from the dead and I don't even know!" As her eyes fell on Sam, a bright smile was on her face. "Hello Sam, welcome back- Id like it if you would tell me the full story when we get the chance."

"Thank you- Yes hopefully we'll get the chance." He said awkwardly. Quickly Nora's eyes fell upon the two and in a second, an angry look replaced her dimples smile.

"What do you two have got to say for yourselves?" She pinched their ears- the scene was very animated to Sullivan and Sam, it was very difficult to hide their smiles.

"Ow! We're sorry! We're sorry, ow!"

"Is she still mad?" Ava opened the door for Sam; he entered her motel room silently. "Well, Nathan is sleeping on the floor and she didn't even give him a pillow- So, I guess so."

"Well- not to be rude or anything but, what're you doing here?" She tucked a stray hair behind her ear.

"Came to see if you were okay." He said with his hands tucked behind his back. "And to see if you would like to continue our kissing session."

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